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The Sparkling Water Maker or How to Make Sparkling Water at Home.

The Sparkling Water Maker or How to Make Sparkling Water at Home.

The sparkling water maker is very easy to use and turns out well handy if you're used to drinking sparkling water or sodas at home.

Just take the appropriate bottle, put it in the machine and press the button 3 times to carbonate the tap water. And that's it!

Lots of flavors to add are available like grenadine, mint or cola to easily transform your sparkling water into soda.

No need to carry soda bottles home, let alone store them. This machine also saves you space.

Are you interested? You can buy a sparkling water maker directly from Amazon. Have you used a machine like this before? Tell us in comments what you think.


To avoid buying packs of bottles of sparkling water or sodas at the supermarket every week, a sparkling water machine turns out to be a good investment in the long term.

If you are like me a regular drinker of sparkling water, the savings are there. You save 60% from the 2nd year of use compared to a daily purchase of sparkling water bottles. Nice no? Of course, the best thing is not to drink sparkling water but that's another story;-)