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Beautify your garden with wild plants

Beautify your garden with wild plants

Many households opt for a garden composed of wild plants identical to that of a meadow in the countryside. The advantage? This type of planting does not require much maintenance and remains in bloom for an entire season. Moreover, you will have colonies of small animals everywhere:butterflies, birds, bees, etc,…. and you get rid of small pests without using pesticides. So don't be surprised if your home's exterior will envy your city neighbors.

Turn the lawn into a flower meadow

You have a wide choice to transform your exterior into a flowery meadow as in the countryside. Be aware that by adopting this type of planting, you involuntarily prevent harmful invasions in crops. It's a very "organic" and "eco" attitude. Adapting to all types of soil:rockery, wet or dry soil and for all tastes, small insects will be delighted to circulate in these plantations of multicolored flowers.

Beautify your garden with wild plants

In general, to have this kind of decor, seed sellers offer a mixture of perennials with a set of varied flowers:sunflower, poppy, lavatera, cosmos, silenus,…. The only rule to follow is to take plants that adapt to your planting ground and the climate of your region.

Also, be aware that the mixtures of annual flowers must be sown in the spring while the set of perennial flowers is done from March to October. As for perennial flower mixes, sow them in April until July. Avoid growing plants in seasons that are too dry or too hot.

Plants to have a campaign effect

The main characteristics of wild plants in the suburbs are:total freedom and numerous multiplication. For the "countryside effect", choose the various ready-to-sow mixes on display at specialist garden center stores or local nurseries. Or quite simply, ask your usual landscaper for advice. Indeed, its specialists offer a mixture of seeds that can adapt to your type of garden.

Beautify your garden with wild plants

You will have, for example, a varied set of poppies, clover, forget-me-not, violet, daisies without forgetting mint, buttercup, St. John's wort and meadowsweet. Everyone has their own way of composing the mixture! You can also compose the plants you want by picking from the best flowers in nature. For a country-like look, don't forget trees and shrubs that still require space.

How to maintain this category of plant?

Beautify your garden with wild plants

If the soil is quite dry, water your meadow regularly. Likewise, if there is not too much rain in your area. To keep the beauty and the natural look, you must remove the faded flowers as well as the weeds that invade the garden at any given time. If you have planted an annual mixture, please clean the ground completely at the end of the season before replanting again for next year. On the other hand, if you have sown a perennial mixture, mow the plants at 20 cm in height in order to maintain the following regrowth of the perennials.