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5 Tips for Watering Your Plants Less Often.

5 Tips for Watering Your Plants Less Often.

Summer is coming and the first heat is here.

Want to keep your gardens shining in the sun?

But without wasting water and spending a fortune.

Here are 5 tips that will allow you to use less water to water your plants.

5 Tips for Watering Your Plants Less Often.

1. Water at the right time

Evening is the perfect time to water your garden. Thanks to the evening coolness, the water does not evaporate and waters the plants well.

Small calculation :

- the average price per m3 of water is €3.05;

- it takes about 15 liters of water per m2 to water a garden;

- if I water at noon, about 60% of the water will evaporate.

Watering in the evening reduces evaporation by 10%. The savings made are therefore estimated at approximately €34 per year for a 100 m² garden (watering every 2 days for 5 months).

2. Choosing a water-saving sprinkler system

The flow of garden hoses is difficult to control.

A spray or drip irrigation system (small network of pipes watering directly at the foot of the plants) allows better targeting and saving water.

In addition, you will save time since you will only have to turn on the water and wait for it to happen on its own.

3. Collect water

All opportunities are good for recovering water:installing a rainwater collector, recovering water from my aquarium, and even cooking water from my vegetables. There are no small savings.

A word of advice:wait until it is completely cold before watering.

4. Install a mulch to save water

Mulching my plants keeps the soil moist and allows me to water less often. All you have to do is place all around the plants and beds, directly on the ground, materials that will nourish and protect the soil .

There are organic, mineral, plastic and textile mulches. Personally, I preferred an organic mulch made from pine bark.

5. Choose plants that require less water

There are plants that are not afraid of drought or sunlight.

- Cacti:the various varieties of cacti have dazzling petal colors. Native to desert areas, they are able to store water.

- The orchid:easy to grow, it mainly needs heat and light.

- Aromatic plants:rosemary, thyme, laurel or lavender perfume the gardens and embellish them with their pretty colors without requiring a lot of water.

Your turn...

And you, do you try to water your plants less? What methods do you prefer? Leave me a little comment!