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Spend less with our 5 smart tips to remember.

Spend less with our 5 smart tips to remember.

To end the week in style and get back to good habits on Monday morning, how about some tips to spend less money?

Even if the sun is starting to show the tip of its nose, the temperatures do not yet allow you to completely do without heating, especially at night.

The first tip to remember when night falls is to properly close your curtains, shutters or blinds to keep the heat in.

It's a great way to avoid drafts and keep the heat inside the house and not let the cold in at the same time.

During the day, it is very useful to ventilate the rooms of your house. But that's no reason to leave your heating on! Remember to turn them off to spend less.

Another cool trick to save smart is to equip your corridors and stairways with presence detectors. As these are passage rooms, the electricity savings are all found. No more thinking about turning off the light every time.

For the happy owners of fireplaces who want to keep the heat in their house all night long, the trick is to remember to close the hatch otherwise hello drafts...

Last advice to follow to save money easily throughout the year is to pay attention to the location of your refrigerator and freezer. At all costs, install them as far as possible from heat sources, such as a stove or heater.

Savings Achieved

These 5 easy-to-use tips will help you save energy every day.

Your bills will inevitably be lowered to the delight of your bank account.

Spending less at home is far from insurmountable, especially if you follow our practical and easy tips that will save hundreds of euros a year.