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32 tips that work to save energy.

32 tips that work to save energy.

Is your electricity bill making your hair stand on end?

Tired of overpaying and want to save a little?

No worries, there are very simple tips.

And they are perfect for finally making real energy savings .

32 tips that work to save energy.

Reduce your heating needs

1. Try to avoid drafts in the winter at home. Why ? Because the more the air circulates in the house, the more it increases the feeling of cold. As a result, it makes you want to put the heating on louder.

2. Ventilate when you have produced steam. For example when you have taken a shower or cooked. This is because dry air is easier to heat. So less energy is used.

3. Air your house twice for 10 to 20 minutes a day to renew the air, which will be easier to heat.

Warning, however: avoid drafts, which give a feeling of cold and push to raise the thermostat. Don't leave your windows ajar all day, either, because that's where your heating and your savings will go.

4. Close the shutters and curtains every evening. Even if you have double-glazed windows, this extra precaution still saves you energy.

5. Place seals to your windows if necessary. Windows that allow air to pass through also let heat through to the outside.

6. Put plastic films on your windows. Especially those without double glazing.

Click here to discover the trick.

7. Place a reflective plate or sheet behind the radiator. Especially if your walls are poorly insulated (they are cold). For example, lay down a sheet of aluminum foil.

Discover the trick by clicking here.

8. Dust off your radiators. This way, you make the most of the heat they produce and make real savings.

Click here to discover the trick.

9. Heat only the bottom of the house. If your living rooms are downstairs, your bedrooms upstairs, heat the bottom of the house and avoid overheating the top.

10. Limit the temperature. In a house, 19° during the day is enough. 17° at night and 16° or even less when you're not there.

11. Use the frost protection position. When you are away for several days, there is no need to heat the house. The frost-free position is ideal for saving money. If your heating allows it, you can program a rise in temperature a few hours before your return.

12. Close the rooms you don't occupy . In principle, these rooms are less heated, so leave them closed.

13. Maintain your boiler. It is mandatory to have the boiler serviced once a year. Do not forget to do it, sometimes this small expense can make real savings by improving the efficiency of your boiler.

Click here to discover the trick.

14. Close the chimney . The ventilation hatch is an air inlet, necessarily colder than the interior air. Also remember to use very dry wood.

Use less hot water

15. Choose the cold tap water position. To wash your hands, for example, remember to leave the mixer on cold. By the time you wash your hands, the water doesn't have time to heat up anyway.

16. Adjust your water heater. A temperature between 55 and 60° is sufficient.

17. Take showers, not baths . You will again save a lot of energy. And, if you wish, use a timer that you set for 5 minutes before taking your shower;-) .

18. Use an economical showerhead . Do you know the water-saving shower heads?

Click here to discover the trick.

19. Place eco-aerators on all your taps . If your DIY store is out of stock, you can find some here.

20. Watch out for the flush. Install a dual flush or, as in this tip, place a water bottle in your tank.

21. Turn off your water heater when you leave . If you are away for several days, there is no need for the water heater to come on every day.

22. Detect any water leaks.

Click here to discover the trick.

Consume less while cooking

23. Cover your pans with lids. The water will boil faster and you will save a lot of money.

Click here to discover the trick.

24. Thaw in the fridge rather than in the ambient air . And above all, try to avoid the microwave.

25. Reheat in the microwave . On the other hand, when it comes to reheating, it is better to use the microwave than the traditional oven.

26. Save money by using the plates and the oven . For example, by turning them off a few minutes before the end of cooking your dishes.

Lower electricity consumption

27. Avoid halogens . Low consumption light bulbs are more economical.

Click here to discover the trick.

28. Save electricity from electrical appliances with power strips with a switch.

29. Wash your laundry at low temperature. Choose short programs, between 30° and 40°.

30. Avoid quick washes . Whether eco programs in the washing machine or intensive programs in the dishwasher, they consume a lot.

31. Do not use fast or quick start your TV.

32. Turn off the computer screen if you are not constantly using it . Without having to turn off the central tower, at least turn off the screen if you don't work for 1 or 2 hours.