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Seven tips to save energy while working from home

Working from home will remain the norm for the time being, which is why many Dutch people are now confined to their homes. That is a bit different from going to the office early every day and coming home late at night. And not only that, working from home for a whole week means higher energy costs.

Seven tips to save energy while working from home

Of course you can take a look at the cheapest energy supplier or compare energy on the internet, but we also give you simple tips to save on your energy bill.

1. Do not suddenly turn the heating up a few degrees

It is autumn and the temperatures are no longer as pleasant as in summer. When you are cold in the house, you tend to turn the thermostat up quite a few degrees. Don't, because this action takes quite a bit of energy. It is better to set the thermostat higher per degree. Who knows, you might just be warm. In addition, it is advisable not to sit still at your desk or kitchen table all the time. Take a break every now and then, make a cup of coffee or tea and then do some exercises. Good for your condition and you stay nice and warm by exercising.

2. Turn off your laptop when you're done working

Don't forget to turn off your laptop at the end of your working day. Don't put it on standby. By turning it off completely, you save energy. When charging your laptop or mobile phone, it is important to pull the plug when charging is finished. This prevents standby consumption.

3. Wear the same clothes more often

When you go to the office every day, it's nice to wear something different. Plus, you want to look good. When you work from home, that is less important. Wearing something different every day is nonsense when your clothes still smell fresh. This saves you a washing drum at the end of the week. It is also nice to dress a bit warmer when it gets colder in the house. A thick sweater can prevent you from turning the thermostat up another degree. Or how about thick socks?

4. Choose an office

Work in the same room as much as possible. Then all you need to do is heat that spot. That can save quite a bit in heating costs. In addition, it is mentally sensible as well. By choosing an office you can better distinguish private and work. When the working day is over, close the door to that room and it's time to relax.

5. Work on a laptop

When you have the choice at home to work on a computer or on a laptop, the laptop is the best choice. A laptop consumes less power. Check whether the laptop is not connected to the charger all the time, because then you use more energy. Are you taking a long break? Then turn your laptop off completely instead of on standby.

6. Insulate your workspace well

Simple adjustments such as placing draft strips on the door help to keep heating costs low. Are you planning to work from home for a number of days after the corona crisis? Then invest in insulation, because that can save you money in the long run. In addition, in the summer you have the advantage that your office does not heat up as quickly.

7. Use daylight

Do you turn on all the lights in the morning? Open the curtains first and sit somewhere that gets the most daylight during the day. When the sun shines, the room heats up and by using fewer lamps you save energy.