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Flush:5 Tips To Save Hundreds Of Liters Of Water!

Flush:5 Tips To Save Hundreds Of Liters Of Water!

Water is precious and it costs more and more!

It is therefore essential to save it on a daily basis.

At home, flushing the toilet consumes a lot of water, especially when you have a family!

Fortunately, there are effective techniques to reduce the water consumption of your toilets.

Here are 5 simple tips to save hundreds of liters of water . Watch:

Flush:5 Tips To Save Hundreds Of Liters Of Water!

1. Install a dual-flow flush

Flush:5 Tips To Save Hundreds Of Liters Of Water!

The toilet flush is one of the biggest water consumption items in the house. The oldest models can consume up to 30 liters each time you flush. While the new ones only consume 6. On average, we flush the toilet 5 times per person per day. I let you do the math and imagine the savings you will achieve with this new equipment. Check out the trick here.

2. Put a bottle in the tank

Flush:5 Tips To Save Hundreds Of Liters Of Water!

If you can't fit a dual-flow flush, just put a plastic bottle filled with water in the flush tank. Why ? Because it will reduce the amount of water used each time you flush the toilet. Check out the trick here.

3. Check for leaks

Flush:5 Tips To Save Hundreds Of Liters Of Water!

Do you think there is a water leak in your toilet? To be sure, put dye or food coloring in the tank. If color appears in the bowl without having flushed the toilet, there is unfortunately a leak. At that point, it's time to act and have it repaired to avoid water waste! Check out the trick here.

4. Don't flush the toilet every time!

Flush:5 Tips To Save Hundreds Of Liters Of Water!

No need to flush the toilet systematically after the small commission. You can easily wait 2 or 3 passes before running the water. Does the color yellow disgust you? Well, just close the lid of the bowl. With this simple trick, you will save hundreds of liters of water every month! Check out the trick here.

5. Don't throw anything in the toilet. This is not trash!

Flush:5 Tips To Save Hundreds Of Liters Of Water!

Yes, sometimes we tend to use the toilet a bit like a trash can... Especially to throw away tissues and wipes. The problem is that each time you throw waste in the toilet, you spend tens of liters of water to evacuate it... To save water each month, no longer take your toilet to trash ! Use a trash can even to throw away your tissues. At least your bin doesn't consume tens of liters of water!

Your turn...

Have you tested these tricks to reduce the water consumption of the toilet? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!