Are you afraid to open your fridge so much it stinks?
Small smells in the fridge, it happens.
But after a while, if you don't do anything, it's an ordeal every time you open the door...
So how do you deodorize your fridge and say stop to foul odors?
Here are 10 effective tips to naturally remove bad odors in your fridge:
To eliminate unpleasant odors from a refrigerator, baking soda is very effective. It is a real odor destroyer.
And easy to use too! Change baking soda once a month.
Click here to see the trick.
To eliminate unpleasant odors from a refrigerator, milk is an effective odor absorber.
It is a natural and handy solution to get rid of a bad smell. Perfect for absorbing onion or melon odors!
Click here to see the trick.
How to get rid of the smell of rotten meat in the fridge? Try white vinegar to get rid of that horrible putrefying smell.
To renew after 2 weeks.
Click here to see the trick.
A bad smell in the fridge? Try cork stoppers to remove bad smells.
Replace caps every 2 weeks.
Click here to see the trick.
Was there a power outage? The fridge was left unplugged? So it smells bad?
It is then necessary to clean your fridge and deodorize it.
To do this, think of coffee grounds to neutralize bad smells.
Change the coffee grounds 1 time every 2 weeks, when dry.
Click here to see the trick.
How to deodorize a fridge naturally? Just think lemon.
Put half of it in the fridge. And change the lemon when it's dry.
Click here to see the trick.
Camembert, raclette... it's super good but it smells bad!
So how do you get rid of cheese smells in the fridge? Try coffee grounds. It is an effective natural odor scavenger.
Replace coffee 1 time per month.
Charcoal is a natural odor remover.
Be careful, do not use briquettes with flammable additives, as they are toxic.
To buy activated charcoal, go to a pet store or pharmacy.
It also works with charcoal, but it's less effective.
Click here to see the trick.
How to naturally deodorize your fridge? Have you thought about the cat litter to remove bad kitchen odors.
Place a bowl full of litter in the fridge. And change the litter every 2 weeks.
Smells of fish, seafood, shrimp... Does the fridge smell bad? To remove a stubborn smell, oats are your friend! It is a natural air freshener.
To renew every 2 to 3 weeks.
There you go, with all these natural and effective tips, you know how to get rid of bad smells :-)
For products that smell strong, like cheese, these 10 tips won't be able to cover all odors indefinitely.
So, don't forget to put them in Tupperware (or cellophane) rather than leaving them in their paper packaging.
Click here to see the trick.
Line the crisper drawer with newspaper.
This prevents bad smells from spreading in the fridge.
Click here to see the trick.
To fight against bad smells, cleaning the fridge is important.
To make your fridge smell good, remember to clean and disinfect it regularly.
At least once a month, clean your refrigerator with white vinegar. Click here to see the trick.
Get rid of expired products, leftovers that have been lying around for too long. Check that all boxes are securely closed.
Also take a look at the walls of your fridge in case spills are stuck there. And yes, it happens...
And don't forget to protect your shelves with an egg carton. Click here to see the trick.
Finally, do not hesitate to wash your refrigerator regularly. Click here to see the trick.
There you go, you now know how to clean and deodorize a fridge easily :-)