What to do to save hot water ?
With the price of electricity exploding, we are all looking to save energy, right?
And consuming less hot water is an effective way to consume less electricity ...
Especially when you have a hot water tank at home!
Want to use less hot water? Do not worry. It's easy!
Here are 6 tips for saving domestic hot water at home (and lower your electricity bills). Watch:
It's a reflex we all have:leave the mixer tap in the middle position.
So, as soon as you want to use water, you use lukewarm water.
Whether it's washing dishes, rinsing a glass, washing vegetables or washing your hands.
But I think you'll agree with me.
You can very well wash your vegetables in cold water.
Just like, it's totally possible to wash your hands in cold water, isn't it?
Conclusion:you must leave the mixer in the 'cold water' position.
These little things work wonders for saving hot water.
We install them on the taps and we immediately save a lot of water.
And effortlessly!
According to Ademe (the Ecological Transition Agency), these water aerators or aerators save up to 75% water.
These filters that screw onto the faucet limit the flow of water without reducing the pressure.
Result, we wash and rinse just as well, but using less water.
Do you like very very hot showers?
Me too!
But I realized that we could lower the temperature of the hot water tank without affecting my comfort.
Believe me, the showers stay hot enough.
So don't hesitate to lower your balloon to 55°C or even 60°C maximum.
You are probably wondering if it is not dangerous for your health.
Nothing to fear, according to Ademe.
The temperature is high enough to destroy the bacteria present in your cumulus.
On the other hand, this makes it possible to limit the consumption of electricity, summer and winter.
Should you turn off your hot water tank in case of absence?
If you are going away for a few days, it is recommended to turn off your hot water tank .
What's the point of running it if no one is around to use the hot water?
When to turn off your electric water heater?
It's easy!
If you are going on vacation, weekend or business trip for a few days, think about it!
It's a quick and easy way to make real electricity savings.
But that's not all.
To avoid heat loss, the pros know a very clever trick.
Theyinsulate the pipes with an insulating material (glass wool, etc.). This is called coaorifugeage.
This simply prevents heat loss ...
Especially if the taps are far from the hot water tank.
The good news is that you can do the same with the hot water tank.
This is all the more important if your cumulus is in a cold room like the garage, the basement or the cellar.
By insulating the electric water heater , we save at least 5 KkW/day . Not bad is not it ? Find out how to do it here.