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Rising Gasoline Prices:Our 4 Tips for Consuming Less.

Rising Gasoline Prices:Our 4 Tips for Consuming Less.

Gasoline prices soar to new highs. Find out how to adapt your consumption to be the least impacted by this increase.

Following the sharp rise in oil prices, the repercussions were not long in coming. Prices at the pump have increased significantly in recent days, as shown by the data available on the website of the Ministry of Ecology.

What to do to avoid being impacted by these exorbitant prices? How to reduce consumption quickly? Our tip tells you everything you need to know.


Here are 4 simple steps to adopt to reduce your fuel consumption in a sustainable way and avoid putting a strain on your car budget.

Maintaining your car regularly is the first step to better control your fuel budget. To do this, check the tire pressure, the oil level, the condition of the oil filter.

Choosing a quality motor oil is also a gesture that in the medium term will pay off because it will help maintain the performance of your engine. You will consume less, especially when starting and on short journeys.

Adopting eco-driving and stopping playing the Fangio is of course strongly recommended for your safety but also for your wallet.

Knowing when to shift, driving calmly, not accelerating while shifting, are all habits you won't regret.

Finally, anticipate. Calculate your route in advance and check the traffic situation on Google Map before taking your car in order to avoid traffic jams.