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Rise in Electricity Rates in 2011:How to Reduce Your Bill Quickly?

Rise in Electricity Rates in 2011:How to Reduce Your Bill Quickly?

Announcement just dropped, electricity price goes up again to augment !

What to do in the face of this soaring price?

We have selected for you 6 tips both simple and effective to substantially reduce your electricity bill.

As we have seen, after strong increases in 2010, electricity prices will increase again this year and for the next 5 years.

The increase would be between 5.1% and 6.5%, which represents an increase of approximately 30% by 2015!

What can be done to stem this phenomenon? How to react to this constant growth? We have decided to offer you a range of tips to adopt at home in order to reduce your electricity bill as much as possible.


1. You can start by better controlling your consumption by investing in a power meter. Easy to install, it monitors the consumption of the connected devices and thus allows you not to spend unnecessarily.

2. Low-consumption bulbs really make a difference because they have a lifespan 5 to 10 times longer than conventional bulbs. Adapted to each room, your invoice will not be like before.

3. The complement of low consumption light bulbs is to favor natural lighting. A simple interior design can sometimes radically change your need to light your living room.

4. As you know, household appliances are very energy-intensive, so adapt! There is a precise classification of these devices here.

In addition, an appliance like the washing machine consumes much less when you start a low temperature program. And to dry your clothes, why not use a drying rack instead of a clothes dryer? The consequences on your invoice will not be long in coming!

5. After household appliances, other devices consume a lot of energy without you realizing it. The internet box for example, did you know that it consumes the equivalent of a month's package over a year (about 30 euros)? It is a question here of not leaving it on standby when you are away.

6. In the same spirit, it may seem trivial to you, but leaving your electrical appliances on standby is costing you a lot of money.

Be vigilant or opt now for a standby switch, as easy to install as it is useful on a daily basis!

You therefore have the possibility of taking a large number of measures in order to significantly reduce your electricity bill. They are valid at home and can also be in the office, so don't wait any longer to practice them!