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Save on Your Electricity Bills With 13 Tips to Keep You Warm.

Save on Your Electricity Bills With 13 Tips to Keep You Warm.

We believe no one should have to choose between saving money and being warm.

Read our 13 tips and you will understand why.

As tempting as it may be to turn up the heat to temperatures that would make a camel sweat, you have to remember that heating the house costs money...lots of money!

If you are not careful, your electricity bill will therefore be very salty as you do not like.

Luckily for you (and your frozen toes), we've rounded up 13 tips for keeping warm in the coldest weather.

Save on Your Electricity Bills With 13 Tips to Keep You Warm.

  • 1. We multiply the layers
  • 2. We anticipate the heating
  • 3. We live with our duvet
  • 4. We don't hesitate to go out
  • 5. Drink hot drinks
  • 6. We close the doors
  • 7. Avoid drafts
  • 8. We take advantage of the oven
  • 9. We play sports!
  • 10. We put the hot in the bottle
  • 11. We take showers
  • 12. We light the candles
  • 13. Bleed the radiators

1. We multiply the layers

Forget that huge sweater. The secret to being warm is thin but numerous layers. Why ? Because the air gets stuck between the different layers and heats up. And hop, we're hot.

2. We anticipate the heating

Don't turn on the heat when you wake up. By the time the house starts to get warm, you'll already be gone! And so you will have wasted energy.

Pre-set your heater to come on half an hour before you wake up, if you can. Otherwise, no need to turn it on.

3. We live with our duvet

Nothing better to keep warm than a good big duvet. But no one ever said that the duvet was only for the bedroom! Take it with you in the living room, and on the sofa, to stay warm there too.

4. We don't hesitate to go out

If your house is too cold... get out! The college probably has a well-heated library, so why not work there? The local bar should also have heating... But don't spend too much on consumption.

5. We drink hot drinks

Nothing beats a good tea or coffee to warm up from the inside. And for those who like it, why not a mulled wine? You will immediately feel the difference.

6. We close the doors

Your mom has told you enough. If you don't close the doors, none of our tips will work... One door open and all the heat will go away. So it's time to listen to mom.

7. Avoid drafts

Check doors and windows to make sure there are no drafts. Normally, good curtains should stop a lot of them, but you never know. A single draft and it's the drama.

If the bottom of your door is leaking, put a weather stripping or a rolled up towel.

8. We take advantage of the oven

Ovens, when in use, become hot. If you sit next to it while dinner is cooking, you're going to get hot. Not bad, huh?

You can also leave the oven door open when you have finished cooking your dinner:this will heat up the kitchen.

9. We play sports!

So ok, it doesn't make you want to when it's cold outside, but nothing better than a jog to warm up. In addition, after the small excesses of the day before, it does not hurt.

If it's really too cold, try doing sports at home:the gym, or even cleaning! Scrubbing the floor should warm you up in no time...

10. We put the hot in the bottle

The oldest tricks are always the best! You can always buy an electric blanket, if you like, but nothing beats the hot water bottle at the bottom of the bed.

11. We take showers

Not only do the showers warm you up because the water is hot (well, we hope for you), but it also increases the temperature of the house. Finally, in any case, that of the bathroom.

12. We light the candles

A good candle can get hotter than you think. But watch it carefully, or the house could get MUCH hotter than you want!

And our little secret:put your candle in the freezer for a few hours before using it. They take twice as long to burn after that.

13. Bleed the radiators

To tell if your radiator needs bleeding, see if it's hotter at the bottom than at the top. If so, it means that air is trapped and therefore water is not circulating normally inside.

To bleed your radiators, turn them off and then open the bleed screw (opposite the tap). Wait until you hear a hiss, then close it when a little water has run out (remember to bring a towel).

Be careful, the water can be very hot.

With well purged radiators, you should be able to drastically reduce your heating consumption.