The worktop is like a huge tidy!
We leave everything lying around for no reason :
Mail, car keys, children's toys...
It's true that it's tempting, but these things have no place in the kitchen.
In addition, it seems, it's a real nightmare to live!
And these are not the only things that take over the kitchen...
So please, stop leaving these 9 items on the kitchen counter :
Guess what is the main source of clutter on kitchen worktops?
According to a study, household appliances cause the most problems when it comes to organization.
And on this subject, the experts in kitchen storage are formal!
If you don't use a device EVERY DAY , that means it should be stored out of sight.
And I see you coming…
Yes, even if the device in question is bulky and difficult to store.
Even if it's a chore to take it out whenever you need it.
And I really insist on this point:
If you don't use a device daily, you need to find a place for it somewhere other than on the work surface.
We speak well of all devices, including:
- mixers,
- Kitchen Aid type pastry robots,
- juice extractors,
- bread machines,
- electric can openers
- and even toasters (if you don't use them every morning).
Find them a place where you can:in your cupboards, your pantry.
In theory, knife blocks are a great storage idea.
But in reality, these wooden blocks are bulky:they take up too much space on a work surface!
And that's not the only problem...
Indeed, be aware that the slots of the knife blocks promote the proliferation of bacteria . Yuck!
And because of the repeated friction of the blade against the wooden support...
The blades of your knives tend to dull much faster.
Fortunately, there are solutions.
For example, you can store your knives vertically on a magnetic strip to attach to the wall, like this one.
Or why not set up a drawer dedicated to kitchen knives?
Just use a knife block with pins, like this one from IKEA for less than €6.
The advantage is that this type of knife rack protects your blades from wear.
In addition, it allows you to quickly find the right knife to prepare your meals.
Maybe you want to keep your knives out of reach of young children?
If so, you can always use the magnetic strip solution.
But this time, secure it inside a lockable cabinet.
Or alternatively, you can store them in a washable knife holder, like this one, that you keep in a tall cabinet.
Very practical, its removable rods allow you to clean it easily and quickly.
In any case, whatever you do, there is something to NEVER do …
Above all, do not keep your beautiful knives loose in a drawer with other kitchen utensils!
First, you risk cutting your finger every time you look for a utensil.
But above all, the impact of the blades against other metal objects will quickly dull your knives… even damage them forever.
To discover: "Certainly THE Best Technique To Sharpen Your Knives."
The dishes are done, the worktop is clean and wiped, the floor is swept...
Finally, you can relax and enjoy the little free time you have left for the evening.
Not so fast…
There's still that damn pile of loose papers!
You never see the end of it...
Between junk mail, bills to pay, newspapers, coupons, etc.
And there are also children's drawings. Impossible to get rid of it without feeling guilty.
It's simple, seeing this pile of paper several times a day is a source of STRESS .
And if by misfortune you spill a glass on the papers... hello cleaning!
You'll spend a great quarter of an hour cleaning and scraping off all that sticky paper.
If you can't put your papers away every day, here's the solution:
Instead of leaving them lying around on your countertop...
Put them on a shelf or in a dedicated drawer, until you find time to organize them.
To discover: 13 Great Ideas To Organize Your Important Papers (And Find Them Easily).
Maybe, like many people, you keep your olive oil right next to the hob?
It’s convenient… except that the oil will go rancid much faster!
Indeed, keeping olive oil near a heat source decreases its quality.
Even if you keep it away from the hob, be aware that it must also be protected from the sun.
This is because direct exposure to sunlight causes the oil to go rancid faster.
So, where should you store your olive oil so that it keeps all its taste?
You probably guessed it:in a closet , away from heat and direct sunlight.
Perhaps you buy your olive oil in full-size bottles or 5 liter cans.
The problem is that they don't fit in your cupboards.
The trick is to pour a little oil into a small bottle for olive oil, like this one.
Thanks to its small size, you can easily keep it in a cupboard, close at hand.
Do you also have these beautiful magnetic spice boxes on the side of your fridge?
You probably think they're perfect, because it frees up space on your countertop...
But unfortunately, it is not at all the ideal solution for storing your spices.
In fact, it's exactly the same problem as with olive oil.
Heat, humidity and sunlight alter the taste spices.
This breaks down the chemical compounds that give your spices their characteristic flavors and scents.
So how do you prevent your spices from becoming bland?
Put them in small glass jars, and store them in a cupboard… away from your hob!
To discover: Are you missing a spice for a recipe? Here's What To Replace It With.
Is he dangerous to keep flour and pasta in pretty jars on your counter?
No. Except that it might make the semolina very jealous!
Any joke aside…
Did you know that our grandmothers used to keep sugar and starches stored in the cupboards?
It had to be for a good reason!
Storing them in a dry place away from direct sunlight protects the food from air and moisture.
Take wholemeal flour as an example.
By exposing it to air and moisture, its fatty acids oxidize, giving them a rancid smell .
It is for this reason that it is very important to store flour and starches in airtight containers.
As my grandmother says, the best pastries are made with good flour!
Whether dishes, trays or even kitchen utensils...
Dishes should NEVER lie on a countertop.
Not only does it risk falling and breaking...
But in addition, over time, it will be covered with a layer of dust and grease .
As a result, this means you have to wash it right when you need it.
The principle is the same for cups and decorative objects.
To discover: Extractor Hood Full of Grease? The Tip To Clean It EASILY.
Do you have a favorite cutting board that you use all the time?
And for you, is it just inconceivable to store it anywhere other than on the worktop?
Alright, I wouldn't hold it against you.
But then, store it at least vertically, against a wall, to avoid an accident.
And know that the real problem is once again dust , which quickly stacks on all items…
Yes, including your favorite cutting board.
So, unless your favorite thing is to rinse and dry the cutting boards before using them...
Better to keep them clean, in a closet.
This way you will also avoid contaminating them with all the bacteria that proliferate on any work surface.
To discover: How to Clean and Maintain a Wooden Cutting Board Easily.
Maybe you use them very often.
And maybe for you, cookbooks are essential to kitchen decor.
But think about it, over time…
Keeping your cookbooks on the counter will they get dirty and degrade.
This is what will actually happen:
- The pages of your books will be plastered with food residue.
- Their blankets will have lost all their beautiful colors, due to exposure to the sun.
- Their pages will stick together, due to spills and other kitchen mishaps.
Honestly, Paul Bocuse would never agree!
By the way, here's a tip to read your recipes comfortably, without making stains.
Sort out the objects lying around on your kitchen shelves.
We all tend to keep things there that aren't there at all instead!
For example, there are often birthday candles, potholders, straws and restaurant paper napkins...
Do you really need to have these items in your line of sight when cooking?
Of course not.
All these objects can be sorted and stored elsewhere, in order to create space around your hob!
So take the time to sort through and declutter your space.
Believe my experience, once everything is neatly in its place, it will also declutter your mind.
By the way, if you don't know them…
I recommend these 10 simple tips to declutter your entire house in 30 days.