Last week I realized how badly the rails of my window was dirty...
To tell you the truth, I hadn't cleaned this window since we moved in... more than 2 years ago now!
And given the impressive thickness of the layer of dirt in the rails, the previous owners must not have cleaned it very often!
As you can see, the dirt and mildew is building up in yucky heaps in the nooks and crannies of the rail.
These places are the most difficult to reach, and to clean...
Fortunately, today I share with you a quick and effortless method. for cleaning window tracks.
The big advantage of this method is that your window rails will be nickel chrome, but without having to scrub them for 2 hours!
Ready ? So let's go for a thorough cleaning of the window rails!
- white vinegar
- baking soda or hydrogen peroxide
- Cotton Swabs
- an old toothbrush
- hot water
- Sopalin
1. Sprinkle some baking soda in the corners of the window track.
2. Pour white vinegar over the baking soda. If it foams, it means it works!
3. Let the white vinegar and baking soda do their magic. They will naturally dissolve layers of stubborn dirt.
4. Once the vinegar and baking soda are no longer foaming, run the Cotton Swabs along the entire length of the rail, using circular movements.
5. With Cotton Swabs, come back around the corners and sweep the dirt towards the center of the rail. Know that I needed about 30 Cotton Swabs to clean a single rail!
6. Put the hot water in a glass and pour it into the rail, starting from the corners of the rail towards the center.
7. Last step, use paper towel to wipe everything dry.
Look at the difference, and all with minimal effort!
Like my window track was REALLY cracra, I repeated this method a second time to clean the hard to reach corners.
A little bit of baking soda, a little bit of vinegar, and I'll let the mousse do the work for me.
Then I used an old toothbrush to get all the stubborn dirt out of the nooks and crannies of the rail.
A little rinsing with water, a quick wiping with a paper towel, and it's over!
There you have it, now you know the effortless way to clean your window tracks easily and quickly.
It's still cleaner that way, isn't it?
But it's true that the use of Sopalin papers and cotton swabs is not really ecological. It is better to use old rags instead of paper towels.
And you can replace the Cotton Swabs with old toothbrushes or just a stick with a cloth attached to the end.