Mirror my beautiful mirror... why are you so dirty?
I don't even see myself in it anymore because of all the traces...
No need to buy Ajax windows though!
Not only is it not cheap, but it's also full of toxic products.
Fortunately, there is a natural and effective trick to clean a mirror without leaving traces and without using any product.
The trick is to use 1/2 a potato and white vinegar . Watch:
- 1/2 potato
- white vinegar
- vaporizer
- microfiber cloth
1. Cut a potato in half.
2. Pass the wet side over the dirty mirror.
3. Spray the white vinegar on top.
4. Wipe with the microfiber cloth.
And There you go ! Thanks to this grandmother trick, your mirror is now perfectly clean :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
It finally returns a beautiful, clear and precise image without traces!
This trick also works for old or damaged mirrors.
The potato deposits starch which overcomes marks and stains encrusted on the mirror.
White vinegar, on the other hand, degreases and shines the mirror effortlessly and without rubbing.
As for the microfiber cloth, it removes the last traces of moisture that remain after cleaning.