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How to Clean Window Tracks Like a Pro in 5 MIN TIMED.

How to Clean Window Tracks Like a Pro in 5 MIN TIMED.

Nothing more annoying than cleaning window tracks .

It's one of the most tedious household chores...

And if your window rails are as creaky as mine, it's not a pretty sight.

It's even really disgusting!

Fortunately, there is a trick to clean them quickly and effortlessly . Look, it's quite simple:

How to Clean Window Tracks Like a Pro in 5 MIN TIMED.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result

What you need

- an old toothbrush

- white vinegar

- baking soda

- Sopalin

- a cloth

- a butter knife with a round tip

How to

1. First, sprinkle some baking soda on the dirtiest parts , usually in the recesses of the rail.

How to Clean Window Tracks Like a Pro in 5 MIN TIMED.

2. Pour a little white vinegar over the baking soda. The mixture will fizz and foam a bit, which is completely normal .

3. Let the mixture act for about 5 to 10 min .

4. Then use an old toothbrush to move the bulk of the dirt to the center of the rail.

How to Clean Window Tracks Like a Pro in 5 MIN TIMED.

5. Pick up all this dirt with a piece of Paper Towel and throw it away.

6. Dampen your cloth and clean the remaining dirt, rubbing if necessary.

7. Use the butter knife covered with the cloth to scrub the corners well.

8. Give a final wipe with a clean cloth.


How to Clean Window Tracks Like a Pro in 5 MIN TIMED.

There you go, your window rail is now perfect :-)

Looks like you spent a lot of time there, when it only took 5 minutes flat !

Note that cotton swabs can also be useful for cleaning in corners.

But since they absorb little dust...

I find them less effective and economical than this method.

Don't worry, cleaning window tracks is not a regular household chore!

But when they are really dirty, this trick will help you clean them quickly and well .