Summer is the season for juicy fruit... And the cherry is one of them!
Except that icing really does stain, and it's notorious for being hard to clean.
Note this little trick to easily remove cherry stains from clothing. You will be able to hide all traces of gluttony.
Attention, first precaution:as with blood stains, do not put on clothing stained by cherry juice machine, as the hot water could "cook" the stain and make it irrecoverable forever.
For the same reason, do not wait to treat the problem, because as it dries in the fibres, the stain clings to them almost definitively.
In any case, it becomes much more difficult to erase.
To apply our trick, simply use white vinegar:put a little on the fresh stain, and rub vigorously. The trace of juice should go away.
Then, nothing prevents you from putting the garment in the washing machine with the rest of the laundry in the house.
There you go, thanks to our grandmother who has more than one trick up her sleeve, you've managed to put an end to the unkind stain.