When you dye your hair, it often happens that it runs on the clothes...
As a result, it makes a beautiful stain that is very difficult to remove!
And most stain removers don't work 100% on these kinds of stains.
Fortunately, there is a simple and effective trick for removing a dye stain from clothing.
The trick is to clean it with baking soda and white vinegar . Watch:
- 1 tablespoon baking soda
- 3 tablespoons of white vinegar
- container
- clean sponge
1. Mix the two ingredients in the container.
2. Apply the mixture all over the stain.
3. Leave on until air bubbles appear.
4. Then rub the fabric vigorously with a clean sponge.
5. And machine wash as usual.
And There you go ! The hair dye stain has completely disappeared from your garment :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
No more halos that remain on the fabric! It's still cleaner that way!
In addition, this method works on all non-fragile fabrics.
The reaction between baking soda and white vinegar releases the colored pigments from the fabric.
Once extracted, the pigments are decolorized by the well-known bicarbonate to cancel the effect of coloring on the hair.
Is the dye stain still fresh? Then there is another equally natural and effective trick.
To do this, apply the juice of half a lemon directly to the stain. Leave on for a few minutes and wash normally.
This trick also works for a fresh dye stain on a sink or even on the skin.