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How To Remove A Mud Stain From A Carpet WITHOUT Scrubbing!

How To Remove A Mud Stain From A Carpet WITHOUT Scrubbing!

A mud stain on your carpet?

Do not panic ! Your beautiful carpet is not ruined.

Fortunately, there is an effective grandmother's trick to easily remove a mud stain from a carpet.

Besides, I'm sure you already have everything you need in your kitchen!

The effective trick is to use salt to remove this nasty stain . Watch:

How To Remove A Mud Stain From A Carpet WITHOUT Scrubbing!

  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?

How to

1. Cover the fresh mud stain with salt.

2. Leave to dry until the water in the mud has evaporated.

3. Vacuum the stain to pick up the mud.


Lo and behold, the mud stain is now completely gone from your rug or carpet :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

Above all, do not try to rub to try to remove the mud.

Why ? You risk spreading the stain and causing the mud to penetrate the fibers of the carpet.

Just wait for the salt to do the job on its own.

It's much cheaper than buying a carpet cleaner.

And it also works to remove a soil stain from wool or polyester carpet.

Why does it work?

Salt is an effective cleaning agent because it has the ability to attract water and retain it.

It therefore absorbs the water that makes up the mud. As a result, the stain dries up and only dust remains.

And it's all 100% natural!