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3 Infallible Tips for Successfully Cooking your Cauliflower.

3 Infallible Tips for Successfully Cooking your Cauliflower.

Cauliflower, I love it!

It's delicious and easy to prepare.

But cooking it is not easy.

You never know how long you have to cook it, it turns yellow, and...

It doesn't smell very good!

Here are 3 tips for successfully cooking a cauliflower and deal with all these little inconveniences.

3 Infallible Tips for Successfully Cooking your Cauliflower.

Cooking time

3 Infallible Tips for Successfully Cooking your Cauliflower.

1. Steamed :if you like to keep all the vitamins in your vegetables, you use a steamer, or a pressure cooker.

Congratulations to you ! I do it too... For this cooking, I count between 5 to 10 min depending on the size of my cauliflower.

2. With bubbling water :with this cooking method, the cauliflower needs more time, between 15 and 20 minutes and without forgetting to salt the water.

3. At the baby cook :well yes, baby likes it from 12 months! It takes about 15 minutes.

Avoid yellowing

3 Infallible Tips for Successfully Cooking your Cauliflower.

A cauliflower that yellows , it's not very pretty . When you want to make a gratin with friends, it can immediately be quite unappetizing! To avoid this:

1. I add one tablespoon of flour per liter of cooking water.

2. I mix to avoid lumps.

3. Then I add my cauliflower as soon as it boils.

Remove that nasty smell

3 Infallible Tips for Successfully Cooking your Cauliflower.

To remove the powerful and not very pleasant smell of cauliflower in the house, I have several little tricks:

1. I ventilate ! It sounds silly, but yes, I air! I'm mainly thinking of airing all the rooms, in fact... because the smell spreads as soon as I open a door.

2. I don't hesitate to put a pinch of baking soda in the cooking water, it really reduces the smell!

Bonus tip

If my guests like sweet flavors...

I put sugar and not baking soda in the cooking water, in order to remove the smell and to have a little delicate taste as a bonus...

Your turn...

You've tried these grandma's tricks to cook a cauliflower? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!