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How to make moisturizing olive soap with coconut oil


Different oils have different value when producing soap. Olive oil is a gentle moisturizer, coconut oil adds lather, and palm oil sets well. Once you've tried your hand at the process, you can start exploring adjusting oils or adding scents or textures with herbs or essential oils. Keep in mind that soap making is as much an art as it is a science, and straying too far from the fat-to-alkali balance can lead to undesirable results. Inexperienced soapmakers should feel comfortable with tried and tested recipes before experimentation.

Step 1

How to make moisturizing olive soap with coconut oil

Collect the ingredients

Gather ingredients and tools. Keep in mind that lye (sodium hydroxide) is extremely caustic. The use of gloves, long sleeves, protective eyewear, and a well-ventilated workspace is recommended when making soap.

Step 2

How to make moisturizing olive soap with coconut oil

Accuracy counts

Measure ingredients by weight instead of volume for consistent results.

Step 3

How to make moisturizing olive soap with coconut oil

Mixture of lye and water

In a plastic or Pyrex container, slowly add 3 ounces of lye to 7 ounces of distilled water (being careful not to splash), and mix with a wooden or stainless steel spoon to combine.

Stage 4

How to make moisturizing olive soap with coconut oil

Heat and water

The temperature will rise rapidly once the lye and water have been combined, perhaps up to 200 degrees. Let stand and let cool while preparing the oil..

Step 5

How to make moisturizing olive soap with coconut oil

Combined oils

Combine 10 ounces of olive oil, 6 ounces of palm oil, and 5 ounces of coconut oil in a deep pot and stir over low heat to combine. Once the temperature reaches 100-110 degrees, remove from heat.

Step 6

How to make moisturizing olive soap with coconut oil

Mix Lye And Oil

When the lye solution has cooled to between 100 and 110 degrees, slowly add to the oil. If the oil has cooled below 100 degrees, reheat before mixing.

Step 7

How to make moisturizing olive soap with coconut oil

Mix well

Stirring by hand or using a mixer, mix the soap until it becomes thick and opaque. Stirring by hand, this can take up to 45 minutes. Using a stick blender, 2-3 minutes..

Step 8

How to make moisturizing olive soap with coconut oil

Get the Consistency Right

When traces of soap spattered from your spoon or stick blender remain visible on the surface, the desired consistency has been achieved. This state is known as "trace".

Step 9

How to make moisturizing olive soap with coconut oil

Pour into the mold

Pour the soap into a small cardboard box lined with a garbage bag or parchment paper. The size of the box will determine the thickness of the completed bar soap. Cover the box with a piece of cardboard and let sit for 24 to 36 hours until the soap is firm and can be cut.

Step 10

How to make moisturizing olive soap with coconut oil

Slice when hardened

Remove the hardened soap from the box and cut it into bars. Once cut, store the bars in a cool, dry place to cure for 4-5 weeks before using. Do not use soap before it has finished curing, as the lye will still be active and may irritate the skin.