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Fix leaks in the flush to lower your water bill.

Fix leaks in the flush to lower your water bill.

One ​​trick to avoid wasting water unnecessarily is to repair leaks the flush as quickly as possible at the risk of ending up with a very salty water bill.

If you have any doubts about a possible water leak in the toilet bowl, the trick is to put food coloring in the tank to see if it shows up on the walls of the bowl.

If so, you have a water leak. You know what you have left to do ! Fix this leak so you don't throw money down the drain anymore...

Have you ever had water leaks at home? How did you spot it? Tell us in the comments.

Fix leaks in the flush to lower your water bill.

Savings Achieved

Hunting down water leaks including that of the toilet flush is a smart stingy trick to save money on your water bill easily. You should know that water leaks can represent 20% of a household's consumption. So easy to understand why it is imperative to regularly check for leaks from the faucet or the toilet flush.

A leaky toilet flush means 1000 liters of water lost every day that will end up on your water bill... By repairing your flush, you will save the equivalent of more than 1000 euros over a year!