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Renovating a roof:when, why, at what price:our advice

Renovating a roof:when, why, at what price:our advice

Renovating a roof first and foremost ensures that it is waterproof. It is considered that such work should be carried out every twenty years on average. These are heavy and costly works, but necessary to increase the comfort of life in a house, which must be carried out by professionals (carpenter, roofer, zinc worker, etc.). So when and why is it necessary to renovate your roof, and at what cost?

Why renovate your roof?

Different elements come into play to know if the time has come to renovate the roof of your house:

You notice problems with the waterproofing of your roof

One of the causes that can lead you to ask yourself the question of renovating your roof and the finding of leaks or the appearance of mold. They are due to the porosity of the roof due to its age or severe bad weather which resulted in the breaking of tiles, for example, to pierced gutters (elements of the roof called gutters located at the bottom of a roof leading rainwater to a down pipe), etc.

In any case, it is strongly advised to call on a professional to establish an accurate diagnosis of the condition of your roof. He alone will be able to detect other causes, often difficult to see, such as the attack of your frame by termites or fungi, for example, which require you to renovate your roof.

You want to improve the insulation of your home

Your house is poorly insulated and you notice significant energy losses, particularly at the level of your roof. Only one solution:completely review its insulation. The most common work involves installing insulation panels under the roof slopes. But there is also a more efficient technique, insulation from the outside. The latter occurs before the installation of the roofing elements and represents the opportunity to renovate its roof.

To know: since January 1, 2017, thermal insulation work must be undertaken in the event of major work carried out on a building, including heavy roof repair work.

You want to change the exterior appearance of your roof

Is your roof old and has not been inspected for more than 10 years? Does it no longer match the style of your home? It has undoubtedly come the time to completely renovate your roof by changing its appearance.

In addition to ensuring that it is properly sealed, renovating a roof can be an opportunity to modify its slope, to comply with local architectural and town planning rules or even to change the types of materials and their color. Tile and slate are the most used materials, but your roof can also be modified and its material replaced by slate, wood, thatch or even a green roof.

You plan to raise your house or move into your attic

Renovating your roof is interesting in the context of raising a house or fitting out an attic. The latter does not necessarily require touching the roof, but it can be an opportunity to take stock of the condition of your roof and remedy any faults if necessary. On the other hand, raising a house to gain living space necessarily entails the removal of tiles or slates from a roof, as well as the frame.

Renovating a roof:how much does it cost?

Renovating a roof is one of the most expensive jobs in a house. The cost of this investment varies according to many elements:

  • the materials used (tiles, slates, zinc, concrete, etc.)
  • the slope and shape of the roof (rounded, flat roof, etc.)
  • openings (windows, skylights, etc.).

For example, in renovation, the price of a pitched roof is on average between 20,000 and 30,000 euros. Prices obviously vary according to the surface of the roof but also according to the materials used. Count between 30 and 40 euros per m2 for a steel deck roof, from 50 to 130 euros per m2 for tiles and more than 120 euros per m2 for slates or certain zinc roofs.

Finally, be aware that there are a number of financial aids to lighten your budget if you renovate your roof, such as the energy transition tax credit (CITE), the zero-rate eco-loan (eco-PTZ), special aid from the National Housing Agency (Anah) or certain local authorities.