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Home therapy, what is it?

Home therapy, also called "memory of the walls", brings together several disciplines at the service of well-being at home:geobiology, dowsing, Feng shui and all the techniques for harmonizing the habitat such as simply the decoration. And each of its disciplines can be combined or used alone. The goal ? Adopt the Zen attitude! That is to say, to create a better energy climate within our homes. Home therapy would also be ideal for strengthening the quality of relationships within the couple or the family!

Home therapy:instructions for use

But concretely, how does it work? Well, you should know that the profession of home therapist exists and that his role is to advise us in order to have a hyper Feng shui home! After making an appointment, the home therapist begins by detecting the harmful energies that may reign in our home. It therefore operates, in a way, a diagnosis of our home, by observing the position of the furniture or the colors of each room. It is thus capable of locating the magnetic nodes which can, for example, disturb sleep. The home therapist can also carry out an analysis based on the age of the inhabitants of the home, because depending on our year of birth and our sex, we would be more comfortable in one room than in another. Finally, when the home therapist completes his diagnosis, he can suggest ideas to make our home more welcoming:interior fragrances, lamps, change of wallpaper, etc. Each room would receive a very specific energy for its use, so home therapy could be an appropriate response for more serenity at home!

So, shall we give it a try?