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What is a design house?

Home plans have been evolving for some time, with an emphasis on contemporary design, which has prompted me to take a closer look at what many now call a design house:the concept, the styles as well as the real benefits.

Characteristics specific to a design house

From a technical point of view, we associate the design house with a construction designed by an architect or with a house designed to save energy (electricity, gas and water). Both can be true.

Design house styles

As nice design of contemporary houses, I noted the one with flat roof with the air of "villas by the sea", the one of the traditional Sicilian house type or the design house with the appearance of a work building.

The design differs according to the location, the taste, and especially the energy needs of the house. But it's not just a question of technical details, the combination of colors and shapes also plays a big role.

The real advantages of the design house

Many people have been able to significantly reduce their heating and electricity costs by having a well-exposed home built. The bay windows make it possible to store the heat stored during the day, and to be able to reuse it in the evening. By collecting rainwater, they supply the toilet flush or the garden watering system. Even stronger:some design houses have been built on a rotating disc so that they can benefit from the sun's rays until the last light of day. If you have a construction project, see Le Mag des Travaux, there are a lot of good ideas to pick up!

In terms of space, the design house also knows how to take advantage of the smallest free square centimeter. We then see the appearance of many styles of interior decoration with mezzanine, stairs-drawers, dresser beds, desk beds, dressing beds and many other elements. All tips are good to take when living in a tight space.

When we talk about designer homes, we are also referring to new construction materials that are prized for their durability and their robustness in the face of bad weather, which are getting stronger every year. We find, for example, Monomur brick, placo, aluminum and PVC.

Many also engage in DIY in terms of interior decoration. This saved me, for example, from major expenses that I immediately injected into my vacation budget, and this for a tailor-made job that lived up to my expectations, which I was able to carry out myself with two, three gadgets and elbow grease.

And then, let's not forget that having a designer house built is also the guarantee of not reproducing the same dwelling as its neighbours:your house will look like you, it will be made to your taste, for your needs and your cravings!