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Cockroaches:why do they invest in a house? How to eradicate them?

Cockroaches:why do they invest in a house? How to eradicate them?

For humans, cockroaches or cockroaches are disgusting insects that arouse disgust. And that's completely normal. Cockroaches are indeed vectors of bacteria and viruses that can harm health. To avoid being a victim, it is important to quickly eradicate them. Here is a small list of advice on this subject.

Cockroaches:those little insects that invade our homes

Cockroaches invade our homes because they find there the ideal living conditions to develop, namely humidity, darkness, heat and above all, food. As they are omnivorous, they can feed on everything:fruits, vegetables, meat, fabrics, sweet foods, papers... They can even feed on the corpse of other dead cockroaches if necessary.

The phenomenon that contributes to their rapid multiplication in the house relates to their mode of reproduction. Once the female has received the semen from the male, she can develop her eggs almost infinitely without the need to reproduce. The oothecae in which the eggs are found are scattered all over the house. And that is precisely the problem. It only takes one of these capsules to stick to a shoe or a bag for the small insects to invade the house. Especially since they can lay up to 100,000 eggs.

Spring cleaning is in order

Cockroaches cause a strong repulsion in humans, in particular because they are considered dirty insects and sources of disease. And that's not entirely wrong. They carry pathogens. Shedding, excrement and traces of saliva cause asthma, eczema or allergies. Some serious diseases such as dysentery, salmonellosis, tuberculosis, hepatitis, typhoid fever, fungal infections or even parasitic diseases can also appear, especially in the elderly or young children.

To prevent a colony of these little creatures from taking over your home, first start by cleaning your house thoroughly, especially at the level of garbage cans, ventilation ducts or cupboards. In the kitchen, be sure to remove all traces of food. Store them carefully in boxes or special plastic bags. Clean up any crumbs that may remain using a vacuum cleaner. It is also very important to ventilate your home well. Since cockroaches love heat, they grow faster when the indoor temperature is high. Moreover, do not hesitate to slightly lower the temperature of the heating.

Solutions to eradicate cockroaches

Cockroaches:why do they invest in a house? How to eradicate them?

To permanently eradicate cockroaches, there are some homemade recipes you can try. Do not use boric acid because it is too dangerous:today it is classified as a CMR chemical agent (carcinogenic mutagenic reprotoxic) and integrated into the REACH regulation. In the past, it was made into small pellets that were placed in strategic places such as under the sink, under furniture, near the trash can and other generally infested places. How dangerous!

You can put crushed bay leaves:they will scare away the cockroaches. Or scatter small piles of sugar mixed with baking soda:they will be attracted to the sugar but poisoned by the baking soda. Otherwise, a glass with tape will also be a very effective sticky trap.