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How to get rid of garden cockroaches?

How to get rid of garden cockroaches?

Bad news:your green spaces are the lair of disgusting parasites. Under decaying tree stumps, in straw bales or next to fountains, garden cockroaches hide.

Not only are these insects unattractive, but it's not uncommon for them to take a short excursion into the rooms of their guests... You definitely don't want them to set up their home in your yard.

Pugnacious tenants

As much to warn you, garden cockroaches are guests who know how to be insistent. Appreciating dark and damp corners, they hide under old wood stumps, ivy or any other damp areas.

And once comfortably settled, guess what they do? Without wasting a minute, they reproduce at a frantic pace 5-6 times a year. With each laying, about fifty new cockroaches are born.

And yes, when garden cockroaches invite themselves into your garden, they come to stay… This is why it is recommended to avoid the accumulation of rotting matter and humidity in your garden. If, despite everything, cockroaches take up residence there, do not do the following...

How not to get rid of garden cockroaches

How to get rid of garden cockroaches?

Above all, above all, resist the temptation to crush the garden cockroaches that you come across in your yard. Indeed, cockroaches are cannibalistic creatures… In their eyes, the lifeless bodies of their comrades are just another food.

Likewise, resist the temptation to use chemicals. Once the active ingredients have infiltrated the soil, who knows where they can end up? In soil, water or even food, toxic compounds disperse quickly.

How to proceed then? It's simple:use these tips from ABCtravaux.

How to eliminate garden cockroaches naturally?

1) Use Grandma's trick

It's time to induce bowel obstruction in these unwanted hosts. In a bowl, mix plaster, powdered sugar and powdered flour. Locate the passages of the cockroaches and dispose of the powder there. Next to it, install a bowl filled with water.

Due to their greedy nature, cockroaches will not be able to resist the lure of this delicious flour for long. Only, its consumption will make them thirsty. Except that when the powder comes into contact with water, it starts to swell.

Result:the cockroaches die of intestinal obstruction. Simple, effective and above all non-toxic.

How to get rid of garden cockroaches?

2) Use boric acid

Please note that this method requires certain precautions to be taken. Wear gloves and be careful not to accidentally touch other insects.

In a container, put 1/3 boric acid, 1/3 honey and 1/3 powdered flour. Roll the mixture into balls and place them near the areas where cockroaches pass.

When the latter come to feed on it, the boric acid will gradually dehydrate them. Again, this method is completely safe for humans.

3) Use professionals

If you want an exceptional result as soon as possible, the surest way is still to call on a specialized company. Depending on the size of your garden, it will only take a few minutes or hours for these professionals to eliminate all the cockroaches.