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Rats in Paris:how to overcome them?

Rats in Paris:how to overcome them?

Rats have always been present in big cities, and Paris is no exception. Although it is difficult to count them, it is estimated that the capital has two rats for every Parisian, i.e. 4 million of these rodents... How to avoid their proliferation and overcome rats in Paris?

Large-scale deratting

In Paris, rats are present and visible everywhere. In public gardens, on the quays of the Seine, and, in general, everywhere near dirty places and where garbage cans are stored. We cannot really speak of a proliferation because the rat population regulates itself naturally. But, in any case, the rats are more visible than before in the capital. The main fault is the modification of their environment (public works sites, flooding of the Seine, higher temperatures, etc.) which push the rats to come out of their den, in particular the sewers.

In an attempt to eradicate rats in the capital, or at least prevent their proliferation because they have a significant interest in the balance of the environment, the Paris City Hall regularly carries out rat extermination campaigns, particularly in areas where the presence of rats is more visible (green spaces, building basements, work areas, etc.). Note that the city of Paris indicates the areas of infestation on its website, where Parisians are also invited to report the presence of rats.

These rat extermination campaigns consist in placing in the burrow of rats poisoned baits with anticoagulants which, once ingested by rodents, lead to their death. However, the rat is an intelligent pest that recognizes these traps and tends to be wary of them.

The City of Paris is also trying to make the inhabitants of the capital and its visitors aware of the consequences of certain behaviors on the increase in the presence of rats, such as the fact of abandoning food in parks and gardens rather than using the bins provided.

Good behavior to adopt by individuals

If the city of Paris undertakes to limit the proliferation of rats, many Parisians note, despite everything, their presence in their homes, their cellars or their gardens. Indeed, rats, which feed indiscriminately on food of animal or plant origin since they are omnivores, find in individuals, particularly in household waste, resources essential to their survival.

In a home, the presence of rats leaves traces (especially excrement) and causes material damage such as cracks and holes in the walls in particular. Due to their speed of reproduction, it is strongly advised to quickly take measures to eradicate them.

If there are natural methods (in particular based on lemon and pepper), specific products (rat poisons) sold commercially to overcome rats in your home, have recourse to a specialized company in Paris and in all Ile-de-France guarantees a much more effective and sustainable result. First, because these professionals are able to intervene very quickly in private homes and, second, because they are qualified technicians who are familiar with the behavior of rats. Their intervention is often respectful of the environment through the use of products and methods of ecological inspiration as recommended by the city of Paris. These rat extermination companies can also intervene preventively.