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Organic, ecological and natural laundry detergent recipes to make yourself

Organic, ecological and natural laundry detergent recipes to make yourself

In the age of organic, we not only pay attention to what we put on our plate, but also to everything we use for laundry and cleaning.

This is particularly the case with laundry, because it seems that commercial laundry causes damage to the environment. As a responsible consumer, prepare an organic detergent would have happy consequences on the ecology as well as on the wallet.

Why opt for an organic detergent

The detergent offered on the market is made up of various products that are more or less harmful to the environment. Indeed, manufacturers do not hesitate to praise the merits of their products which wash whiter than white, more easily for perfect results. Unfortunately, these miracle products are also more destructive to the environment.

Without going into details, commercial detergent contains synthetic molecules, active ingredients that do not exist in nature and therefore are difficult to process in the environment. They affect it because the waste water from our washing machines is directly discharged into the sewers. It then passes through a treatment plant before being discharged into the waterways.

However, purification is not enough to eliminate all the molecules. In addition, it is not uncommon for commercial detergent to be allergenic when the clean laundry is in contact with the skin. To remedy this, you can prepare your own laundry, an ecological solution that can remedy many types of pollution.

In the shoes of the little chemist to make your own detergent

Organic, ecological and natural laundry detergent recipes to make yourself

To prepare your own detergent, you need to get 100 g of Marseille soap (real and not imitations!), as much sodium bicarbonate, 250 ml of white vinegar and 1 liter of water. Favor Marseille soap made from olive oil, therefore green in color, or Aleppo soap. As for utensils, bring a cheese grater, a salad bowl, a kitchen whisk or a mixer as well as a funnel and a container to store the homemade detergent.

Start by heating the water in a saucepan. While it is heating, grate the soap before melting it in water. Do not wait until it is boiling to add the soap shavings. The objective being that the soap is completely dissolved, do not hesitate to use the kitchen whisk. You can also use a blender to make the job easier. It will then be enough to rinse the mixer well for the next culinary preparations. When you stop mixing, or when it cools, the mixture solidifies. While stirring, add the baking soda.

On another fire, put the white vinegar to heat. Add it to the preparation, which will allow the mixture to be foamy. In this sense, provide a large enough container. If you want to add a little perfume to your laundry, add a few drops of essential oil. Continue to mix well so that the mixture is very liquid and can be easily transferred into the container that will accommodate it. The ideal would be to keep it in a can of classic detergent, which you can shake regularly to have a homogeneous detergent.