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Dust mites in bedding:what causes them, how to get rid of them?

Dust mites in bedding:what causes them, how to get rid of them?

mites are microscopic insects which generally nest in sheets, blankets, mattresses, or carpets. They do not cause disease per se.

However, they can accentuate one in particular:asthma. These little critters carry allergens that are dangerous for many asthmatics. It is then necessary to take the necessary measures to get rid of it.

Causes favoring the presence of dust mites

What you have to understand above all is that you can't really get rid of dust mites permanently. And for good reason, these little beasts proliferate at a phenomenal speed. Humidity and heat are the first factors, explaining their concentration in bedding. The environment is warm, cozy and humid, especially if you tend to sweat at night. Unlike fleas or mosquitoes, these insects seem harmless because they feed exclusively on hair and skin residue. The problem is on a whole other level.

Mites cause respiratory problems , often harmless in adults, but can be critical for the youngest and those who suffer from asthma. A recent study has shown that almost half of the cases of allergies identified come from these insects. Endless sneezing in a dusty house should then alert residents. You should therefore roll up your sleeves to stay healthy in your home.

Steps to take to get rid of dust mites

To start the hunt for dust mites, the biggest work is undoubtedly in the bedroom. To avoid having to expose your mattress regularly to the sun, you can opt for hypoallergenic covers and mattresses. Vacuuming and cleaning every corner is a good alternative to limit the presence of these intruders in its interior. Blankets and sheets should also be washed regularly and ironed carefully.

Dust mites in bedding:what causes them, how to get rid of them?

Letting your clothes pile up anywhere is also a bad habit:they will be invaded by parasites in no time. The best thing is to always respect cleanliness, that is to say the house cleaned and aired regularly.

As for ventilating your interior, you can simply open the windows every day. Be careful if you are used to letting your clothes dry in the shower, dust mites love this humid and closed environment. If you have no choice because of a lack of space, you should equip your shower with an aerator. This, especially in hot and humid periods, will renew the ambient air of the home and eliminate mold for the well-being of all.

Last point to consider:carpets and rugs. You should know that these are real nests of mites in power. Vacuuming them is not enough to completely disinfect them. They will need to be steam-cleaned regularly to rid them of their unwanted guests.

The surest way to keep these parasites away from home is therefore to demonstrate impeccable hygiene on a daily basis:washing, tidying up, the cleanliness reflex and good ventilation will allow you to effectively limit the invasion.