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What is home automation ? How can it be useful at home?

What is home automation ? How can it be useful at home?

You have heard a lot about "home automation" and want to know more about the particularities and examples that perfectly illustrate this concept? Follow the guide.

Definition of home automation

Appeared in the 1980s, home automation is a concept linking computers, electronic technologies and telecommunications with the aim of making everything automatic in the house and thus facilitating certain tasks without human intervention. Thanks to the installation of home automation, it is possible to obtain an economical house, easy to live in and guaranteeing tailor-made well-being. The use of home automation concerns four areas in particular:

First, in the field of health, home automation offers assistance to fragile people such as the hearing impaired, people with severe disabilities or the elderly. Some features allow, for example, to control parameters such as blood sugar levels for diabetics, body temperature, heart rate or air quality. Thanks to the results provided by this equipment, an alert can be sent to relatives or emergency services.

In the context of energy savings, home automation also plays a key role in helping to eliminate all kinds of waste.

In addition, it is widely used in home security through the installation of motion detectors and sensors, smoke, humidity, vibration, glass breakage and many more.

Finally, for comfort, it makes life easier for residents by automatically opening and closing the shutters, by activating the automatic lighting of lights or other very practical operations.

To be able to function correctly, home automation must be accompanied by various tools and equipment, to name only the motorization systems, the types of programming, the devices themselves (home cinema, vacuum cleaner, etc.), the various wirings, the sensors and alarms of all kinds without forgetting remote control devices such as remote controls.

10 examples of using home automation

Depending on the needs and desires, home automation is illustrated through various concrete examples.

1. House heating:

With home automation, it is possible to effectively manage the heating of the house by programming it or adjusting the temperature in the different rooms. It is for example possible to deactivate the heating automatically when there is no one in the room.

2. Light management:

Just by clapping your hands, you can turn on or off the light in a room. In the morning, you can program the switching on of the light so that it is gradual for a gentle awakening.

3. Better security in your home:

There is nothing like home automation to guarantee the perfect security of your home. A central unit controlling cameras, motion detectors or alarms alerts you via your smartphone as soon as an intrusion is detected in your home. Some manufacturers go so far as to offer the possibility of talking remotely to the person entering your home.

4. Automatically open panes:

Via your remote control or a single button, close or open all the shutters in your house. A very practical solution that saves you time when you are in a hurry in the morning. Likewise, you can remotely control the opening of your gate or your garage door for more comfort.

5. Treat yourself to a good movie:

A cinema atmosphere is installed in your home through a simple remote control. Press the corresponding button and the shutters close automatically, the light dims, the television turns on by itself... enough to impress your guests and satisfy your passion for cinema.

6. Going on vacation quietly:

Your neighbors went on vacation and were robbed while they were away? To avoid falling victim to the same scenario, home automation is there to help you. Thanks to a well thought-out device, it is possible to turn on, for example, the light or the radio in the evening to pretend that there is someone in your home and all this, from a distance.

7. Avoid incidents at home:What is home automation ? How can it be useful at home?

In the event of an incident in the house, the installation of adequate devices will alert you. Detectors that monitor your home for freezer failure or gas or water leaks will be needed.

8. Invite friends home:

It is possible to set up a scenario for pool parties with a few friends. Press the button and the water temperature increases, the exterior lighting changes, the lights in the rooms are activated, music distills a soft atmosphere...

9. Automatic garden watering:

Very practical for having a green garden all year round, run your automatic watering system when you are on vacation. Simply program your home automation system and you're done.

10. Waking up in comfort:

Every morning, you can program your home automation to run you a bath before you wake up, for example, and run the coffee machine while turning on the radio or television so you can listen to the news.

The possibilities are endless with home automation. Just create a scenario that makes your life more convenient and home automation will provide you with unparalleled comfort.