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How to create a dry garden at home?

How to create a dry garden at home?

With global warming making itself felt more and more, many households are choosing to adopt a dry garden. In addition, they do not require any special maintenance, fertilizer and water. It is an advantageous solution compared to conventional gardens. Moreover, if your land is very dry and stony in nature, this is the only option. Before embarking on such a layout, here is everything you need to know for this space.

Definition of a dry garden

How to create a dry garden at home?

Developing a dry garden means growing plants outside that are resistant to drought. This type of plants requires little watering since they are adapted to a dry climate. The absence of water limits the proliferation of weeds as well as the arrival of diseases.

In addition, the dry garden continues throughout the year. And even if its name indicates it, the dry garden does not necessarily mean:desert garden. On the contrary, there are succulents that are grown in the Mediterranean basin with a hot and windy climate.

In addition, it is a cost-effective option to environmental issues while promoting biodiversity. A good number of vegetation can adorn an arid environment and offer an oasis of greenery. Thus, you can create your own garden even if you do not live in this region. Just drain your soil by putting gravel and sand.

Types of plants that characterize a Mediterranean dry garden

How to create a dry garden at home?

When you decide to embark on this project, the choice of plants is very important. The dry garden is a modern gardening approach that limits the use of water and fertilizers. It will determine the success of your development. In no time, you can easily get this kind of eco-friendly greenery since it is very easy to make.

To help you make a selection, here are some suggestions:

  • Mediterranean species such as pine, cypress, olive, cistus, pistachio, oak, myrtle or strawberry tree are used to heat, sunshine and strong winds.
  • if you have a weakness for aromatic plants, opt for thyme, rosemary, lavender, oregano, etc. These will flourish without problems in dry soil.
  • the other essentials are succulents, the best known of which is the echeveria. It brings a light graphic touch to your whole garden thanks to its colorful foliage.
  • to add volume, opt for grasses such as wild-looking fescue. This plant requires very little maintenance.

Don't forget to set up rockeries, a shady corner and create an original composition between plants and rocks. If possible, adopt natural stones.

How to create a Japanese dry garden?

How to create a dry garden at home?

This type of garden offers a Zen atmosphere outside your home. First of all, you must check the nature of your soil if it is well drained. Otherwise, add a good amount of sand and gravel. Apart from cultivating massive plants, bamboos, bonsai and Japanese maples, it is also necessary to install water points, sculptures, rocks. You understood, a Japanese garden mixes several elements to have a spiritual and aesthetic effect.

If you really want your garden to look like the one you find in Japanese movies, plant plants typical of this country, namely:Japanese maple, Gautier's fescue, Miscanthus sinensis or Sander's dragon tree.

For your plants to thrive in complete serenity, especially under a very dry regime, plant them in autumn, at the start of the wet period. Form basins at the base of recently planted plants. During the first year after planting, you must water them regularly so that they grow and weed. Use mineral mulch.