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Spiders:tips and tricks to fight against

Spiders:tips and tricks to fight against

Although they are not really dangerous, spiders still cause a lot of fear in some people. To get rid of them permanently in the house, there's nothing like a few natural solutions for gentle disinsection.

Invasion of spiders:explanations

The invasion of spiders in the house occurs especially with the onset of autumn. They hide in our interiors to protect themselves from the cold. The facades of habitats located near a lake or a pond are the main victims because spiders feed on insects and mosquitoes developing near these places. In general, they create their nests in places protected from rain or snow such as mortar joints, eaves, at ceiling level at the corners of walls, to name but a few examples. These insects lay their eggs in late spring. Once hatched, the hatchlings take over the facade as well as the habitat itself.

Think about chasing spiders, not killing them

It is not uncommon for spiders to frighten us, but that does not mean that we should kill them, especially since they are actually harmless to us. Indeed, the venom of these insects is not in sufficient quantity to harm our health. In addition, as they help fight against flies, mosquitoes and insects in the home, they have a role to play in contributing to our well-being.

However, if you can't get used to the idea of ​​housing these little critters, then start by cleaning your house well to repel them. This is certainly the most biological and economical technique to get rid of it. Tidy your house, clean the dust and do regular dusting and sweeping so that the insects do not like to find refuge there. Throw away the different packaging that contains food and that could attract them. Take out the trash regularly and check the cleanliness of your ventilation grilles.

Brown and chestnut, a formidable efficiency

Spiders:tips and tricks to fight against

As mentioned above, spiders invade the house in the fall, a time when chestnut trees lose their fruit. Chance doing things well, these little insects have a horror of chestnuts. Just take these fruits, cut them in half and arrange them all over the house. Another way to drive them away is to put branches of chestnut trees at the edge of the windows. Normally, they will no longer bother you.

In addition, you can also boil water and then add chestnut peels and leaves to it. Pour into a spray bottle and spray it outside your home, especially where spiders go.

Horse chestnut essential oil is also very effective. Arachnids will flee quickly if you place a few drops of this product near windows or door frames.

The alum stone, think about it

Generally used as a deodorant to prevent bad body odors, alum stone also finds its application in the fight against spiders. It is available in powder in stores and is used to make a natural repellent. The trick is to mix 500ml of lukewarm water with 50g of alum powder. Pour everything into a spray bottle and use this solution to drive away arachnids.

White vinegar to the rescue

A formidable enemy of spiders:white vinegar. This product composed of acetic acid gives off a particular smell that these insects do not like at all. The idea is therefore to spray it every week on the edges of your windows to keep them away.

Test the tomato leaves

Spiders are said to dislike the smell of tomato leaves. One technique is to place them on the windowsills of the house to deter them from entering. If you have tomato plants in the garden, use the leaves and branches to make pretty bouquets. Then place them near windows or doors. It is advisable to install them near the radiators in order to spread the smell. For this trick to be effective, remember to change your bouquets regularly because the leaves dry very quickly.

Use cedar

Spiders:tips and tricks to fight against

Many of us love the smell of cedar. This is not the case with spiders. Thus, you can have cedar balls that you will find in stores everywhere in your house in order to keep them away. Be aware that moths don't like the smell of this wood either, so a little tip:consider buying hangers made from this material to protect your clothes in the wardrobes.

Citrus fruits

As you will have understood, arachnids do not like more or less pronounced odors. To take advantage of this aversion they have developed, use lemon or orange peels, for example, to place throughout the house to deter them from entering. In addition, this trick allows you to bring a fresh and pleasant scent to your interior.

Install a humidifier in the house

Running a humidifier in your home will be effective in keeping spiders back and not invading cracks in the walls. They only like dusty, dry air and will not do well in a humid environment.

As we have seen, spiders are not harmful. They do not destroy furniture and even help you get rid of some more harmful insects. Using these tricks to drive them away and keep them away will be more adequate than killing them directly.