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30 Super Simple and Effective Tips.

30 Super Simple and Effective Tips.

Are you still looking for little tips to live smart?

We have selected for you the 30 best simple and effective tips.

Use them everyday to look crafty.

Be it family or friends, you will wow them all. Come on, let's go :

30 Super Simple and Effective Tips.

The 30 Little Tricks

1. Need to measure something and don't have a ruler? Try with a €5 note. It is approximately 12 cm long.

2. Put hairspray on the end of a thread to stiffen it and thread it through the needle more easily.

3. Keep a magnet in your sewing box . This is handy for picking up fallen pins and needles.

4. When you send your address to someone, attach a photo of your house so that the person finds it more easily.

5. When you take something apart to fix it, take a photo of the object to find out how to put it back together.

6. Loosen stuck glasses by pouring cold water in the upper glass. Then place the 2 glasses in hot water for 1 to 2 min.

7. To make the ketchup flow faster, place a plastic straw inside the bottle and then remove it.

8. Before pouring honey into a bowl or measuring cup, put a little cooking oil on your utensils so that the honey slides.

9. Use a snow brush to reach the crumbs under the fridge.

10. To easily remove dishwashing gloves, run your hands under cold water and the gloves will slip off on their own.

11. Wash your windows horizontally inside and vertically outside . If there is a trace left, you will know which side to redo.

12. Clean decanters and narrow vases by filling them with water and adding 1 denture cleaning tablet.

13. Add a few drops of baby oil in the bath to prevent the formation of marks in the bathtub.

14. When you have an appointment, write down the person's name and phone number on your calendar. It avoids wasting time looking for them if the plans change.

15. Collect fallen leaves from your garden when they are dry . Wet, they weigh up to twice as much.

16. If you're planting a flower bed, make it diamond-shaped rather than in a straight line. It will look bushy faster.

17. Remove salt stains of your leather shoes by wiping them with a clean cloth dampened with a solution of 1 tbsp. at s. vinegar mixed with 1 cup of water.

18. Unblock a zipper by rubbing a pencil on it . The graphite lubricates the notches of the closure.

Click here to see the tip.

19. Rub all your glass objects (glasses, vases, dishes...) with a cloth soaked in toothpaste to remove small scratches.

Click here to see the tip.

20. Scrub the bathroom mirror with shaving cream and wipe with a soft cloth to reduce fogging after showering.

21. You get more lemon and orange juice if you roll them tightly on a work surface before cutting and pressing them.

Click here to see the tip.

22. Overbaked your cookies? Store them in an airtight container for 1 day and they will begin to soften.

Click here to see the trick.

23. Use soap or fabric softener wipes in your drawers, suitcases and storage boxes to get rid of musty and musty smells.

Click here to see the tip.

24 . Don't let a leaky faucet drive you crazy. Attach 1 string to the faucet, long enough to reach the drain. While waiting for the leak to be repaired, the water flows silently along the string.

Click here to see the tip.

25. To remove chewing gum from your hair, apply peanut butter or Vaseline on it. The chewing gum will slide without
you have to pull too much.

26 . Deodorize your sneakers by sprinkling some bicarbonate of soda inside and leaving for 1 day.

Click here to see the tip.

27. Freshen up your pillows by putting them in the dryer in short program about 10 min.

28. To remove the wax from a candlestick, put it in the freezer for about 20 minutes . The wax will flake off and fall off easily.

29 . Remove stubborn labels by heating the glue. Put your hair dryer at minimum power and pass it over the label.

30. To remove a strong garlic smell from your hands, rub them on a stainless steel surface , like the kitchen faucet for example.