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Baking soda:all possible uses at home

Baking soda:all possible uses at home A product with multiple properties, baking soda invites itself into our homes. From the kitchen to the bathroom via the garden or cosmetics, this all-purpose powder provides many virtues in cleaning, disinfection or as a deodorant while preserving our environment and our health.

Definite effectiveness in cleaning

The first use of baking soda will be for cleaning. It can serve you in many circumstances. On a damp cloth, apply a little of the product and attack all the surfaces to be cleaned in your home. Shower wall, bathtub, sink, hob… nothing resists baking soda. On the mattress of your child who is not yet used to going without diapers, you can use the effectiveness of this ecological powder. Pour baking soda on the stain and wait three minutes. Aspirate and repeat the operation three times. Finally, add vinegar to the affected area to neutralize the smell and place the mattress outside for good ventilation.

Neutralize bad odors

There are several ways to use baking soda as an air freshener. In a saucer, add a cup of baking soda and add a little lemon juice. Put this mixture in the places of the house that you want to deodorize.

In order to clean the surrounding air, make yourself an ecological bomb that perfumes. The trick is simple:mix 500 ml of water with two teaspoons of baking soda with ten drops of essential oil. Pour everything into a spray bottle. Use the product to neutralize the scents that bother you. A breath of fresh air will blow through your interior.

In liquid detergent, you had to think about it!

Baking soda:all possible uses at home Baking soda can also be used in the manufacture of cleaning products such as laundry detergent in liquid form. The development of the product begins with a mixture of one liter of hot water with 50g of Marseille soap flakes. Pour three spoonfuls of baking soda. After allowing the mixture to cool, add 30 drops of lavender essential oil for laundry, lemon for deodorizing and whitening or for disinfecting. Mix before use.

Clean the toilet bowl

Mix ¼ cup of white vinegar with ½ cup of baking soda and a few drops of pine, tea tree or lemon essential oil. Pour everything into the toilet and wait a few minutes. Clean with the broom. This trick will contribute to the disinfection, descaling and cleaning of the toilets while bringing a veil of perfume.

Unclog the pipes

One of the most popular uses of bicarbonate concerns the unclogging of pipes clogged with grease or various materials. Pour a cup of baking soda with a cup of coarse salt into the sink. Add two or three liters of boiling water. Leave to act then run the hot water. The drains will be cleared quickly.

Baking soda for the swimming pool

In a swimming pool, the pH of the water tends to change very often due to various factors:pollution, temperature, number of bathers, the weather or the use of sunscreen. Stabilizing it is essential to prevent the proliferation of algae and to offer better action to disinfectants such as chlorine. For this, you can use bicarbonate which will help maintain an ideal pH and continuously enjoy clear water.

Use also in the garden

As an environmentally friendly product, baking soda can be used without worries in the garden. It can act as a natural weed killer. Just pour it on a terrace or between the joints of the paving to eliminate the weeds. Then sprinkle with water for it to take effect.

Diseases such as rose rust or mildew can be prevented with baking soda, as can parasitic fungi.

In the house, ensure a longer life for your cut flowers by adding a pinch of baking soda to the water in the vase.

Wash fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables will be rid of a large part of their impurities thanks to a washing with bicarbonate. Immerse them for a few minutes in a container containing a little of this white powder.
During cooking, adding a small amount of baking soda will allow the vegetables to preserve their attractive color, to be more digestible while accelerating their cooking.

Refurbish an iron

Over time, the soleplate of the iron may darken. In this case, baking soda can once again intervene. You have to take a damp cloth and pour a little of this white powder on it. Rub the sole of the iron with it. The paste that forms has an abrasive power without causing scratches on the device.

Use in cosmetics

Baking soda:all possible uses at home

Baking soda finds its place in your beauty rituals. It is well known to have the power to whiten teeth. The implementation is simple. Put a pinch of the powder on your toothbrush then do your usual brushing. If you don't like the salty taste of baking soda, pair it with toothpaste. Please note that this technique should not be used more than twice a week.

For the beauty of your hair, you can trust this product. It avoids excess sebum and dandruff while guaranteeing a beautiful shine to your mane. To take advantage of its virtues, add a teaspoon of baking soda to your shampoo from time to time.

As a scrub on the skin, it provides an antiseptic effect, a pH rebalancing and plays an anti-inflammatory role.

In the house, baking soda will undoubtedly become your ally. Not only is it inexpensive but it will effectively help you with all your household chores. You will find it in all the stores in the section where coarse salt is sold. However, be careful not to confuse it, in the drugstore section, with caustic soda or sodium carbonate, which have nothing to do with it.