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How to have a beautiful garden in winter?

How to have a beautiful garden in winter?

Winter is not at all the best season to have beautiful plants. Almost all vegetation lives in slow motion due to the cold.

This does not prevent you from maintaining your garden to welcome the spring that will come next year.

We explain below the right things to do to take care of your garden in winter.

Collecting dead leaves

How to have a beautiful garden in winter?

At this time, the trees are completely bare. To keep your garden clean, pick up all the dead leaves you find, down to the very last one. This gesture also helps to avoid the accumulation of organic matter above the ground. Instead of throwing them away and burning them, you can use them for composting.

Some leaves, especially those that are not waterlogged, will be used as mulch.

Balance your compost well by using dry or brown organics and green or fresh organics.


How to have a beautiful garden in winter?

Whether it's mulch or just surface compost, this action is necessary to protect frost-sensitive plants. In this way, they will keep the heat provided by the ground.

Indeed, life underground continues its cycle despite the cold. To form a mulch, use bark, dried grass and of course dead leaves.

Some people opt for winter sails or thermal covers. These accessories protect plants and let them breathe.

Cleaning and composting

How to have a beautiful garden in winter?

Even if you no longer sow, this does not prevent you from maintaining your plants so that they stay alive.

At this season, the dahlias are at the end of their vegetation, so they must be removed and replaced with another plant that tolerates the cold better, such as ferns, winter jasmine, pansies, irises, cyclamen, roses. Christmas, etc.

You have a wide choice in front of you! If you have a vegetable garden, don't forget to remove damaged leaves from your vegetables.

Tree pruning

How to have a beautiful garden in winter?

When autumn ends, you can already start pruning. This is the long-awaited opportunity to take care of stone trees, fruit trees or even perennials.

This maximizes your chances of fruiting and flowering in the spring. Avoid at all costs to carry out a pruning in period of frost.

Moreover, you can also carry out preventive treatments on fruit trees.

Plant seasonal vegetables, trees and flowers

How to have a beautiful garden in winter?

Winter is the good season to sow certain trees and shrubs with bare roots or those in containers.

At this time, the roots will have plenty of time to find their way into the ground. In addition, the tree does not undergo any leaf evaporation. You can also start planting ornamental trees and of course fruit trees:pear, apple and berry trees.

In the vegetable garden, favor winter vegetables such as lettuces, Jerusalem artichokes, leeks, parsnips and cabbage. Parsley resists, but has a short tail. You will see, you will have a very good harvest. Think about the plan of your future vegetable garden for a new cycle.

As far as flowers are concerned, succulents are very decorative in winter. Ferns, on the other hand, offer pretty flamboyant colors.

Plant grasses like fescue to provide a bit more volume around other plantings. Daffodils, snowdrops, grape hyacinths and hyacinths have winter-flowering bulbs.

Certain varieties of clematis offer fabulous flowers in winter. So enjoy.