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How to have beautiful fingernails?

How to have beautiful fingernails?

To beautify her hands and have beautiful nails, our grandmother gave us shared her beauty tip.

Whether it's the yellowing caused by cigarette smoke or the many daily shocks, your nails, like your skin, are subject to a lot of aggression.

As a result, your nails turn yellow, get damaged, streak or break.

To reinforce them, here is our grandmother's tip:

Soak your fingernails in salt water for 5 minutes to harden them. Then, to hydrate them, soak them in olive oil for 10 minutes. This prevents them from drying out, which makes them more fragile.

After a few days the effect is guaranteed.

Savings achieved

This grandmother's trick saves money on often overpriced manicures.

Now you can boost the health of your nails for free at home, without spending a penny on a beauty product.

Economical and practical, our grandmother always has the right ideas for doing business.

Olive oil can also be used to remove dark circles under the eyes!