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The climbing rose guide:types, planting, pruning and care

The climbing rose guide:types, planting, pruning and care

Wild plants often have the annoying tendency to irritate those who have them at home. However for the amateurs, they are magnificent garden decorations and give an impression of a tropical landscape. In this article, we are going to talk about the climbing rose.

Types of climbing roses

Two types of climbing roses can be distinguished:remontant roses and non-remontant roses.

A non-remontant rose is a rose that can only flower once a year. Examples include "Albertine" which reaches four meters or "Fritz Nobis" which is quite small since it is only two meters.

Conversely, the remontant rose is a rose that can bloom several times a year. We can mention "Ghislaine de Féligonde" or "Jaune Desprez".

The size also depends on the type of climbing rose in question. In fact, the smallest are a maximum of two meters in height, while the largest can reach five or six meters.

Planting and care of the climbing rose

Planting a climbing rose is usually done over three months, from December to February. If the rose grows in good conditions, flowering can occur from May to October, i.e. an interval of six months. It is a fairly resistant rose in the sense that it tolerates the cold rather well. It also has a preference for clay soils rich in humus.

You should know that climbing roses are rather dependent plants. Indeed, it is a rather ironic name in the sense that this plant needs a gardener to flourish. To ensure its development, a climbing rose needs a support on which the branches must be fixed while the plant grows. This will make it possible to cover a fairly large vertical space, whether it is a pergola or a wall trellis.

However, we can say that the maintenance of a climbing rose is rather moderate. Indeed, to flourish, the climbing rose needs a lot of exposure to the sun. However, it does not need to be watered every day. The only delicacy in the maintenance of a climbing rose concerns its cleaning.

Indeed, the removal of faded flowers takes a little time. This allows the rosebush to bloom again more quickly and maintain an impeccable appearance. The ideal time to prune a rose bush is July for non-remontant roses and March for remontant roses. At this time, the winter period is over and flower buds can form more easily. In addition, the antlers are more airy which helps to avoid several diseases.

Would you like to order climbing roses online? That's good, the André Eve shop offers beautiful old and modern roses, you can also find a section dedicated to the climbing rose, you will necessarily find your happiness there!

Climbing rose diseases

The climbing rose's main parasite is aphids. These can harm the flowering of a rosebush but do not constitute a threat to the vitality of the plant. Ladybug larvae can quickly destroy aphids.

Then there is black spot disease. It is a fungus caused by overhead watering, which makes the leaves wet and causes them to appear. To counter this, it is enough to prune them regularly to ensure good ventilation of the leaves.