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Can we do without pesticides in the garden? (1)

We have often heard the saying "if we don't treat we have nothing!" "Is that really true? What should you do in your garden to do without pesticides?

We will try to see clearly in the use of garden products and understand the problem facing the gardener:do I treat or not? with what?

I will publish a series of articles on this subject (stay tuned). We will see what a pesticide is, what are the dangers for humans, the environment, and what to do without it.

Let's start at the beginning with this first article:

What is a pesticide?

Pesticide =plague killer; include diseases or pests that harm crops.

This word was replaced by phytosanitary product, then by plant protection product . We have gone from care to medicine...
For convenience, I will call them here phyto products.
A phyto product is composed of one or more active substances serving:

  • to protect crops by destroying the harmful organisms present or preventing their action.
  • to destroy undesirable plants
  • to reduce growth plants

The rest that makes up the phyto product is a set of formulants :wetting, coloring, emetic, bittering… and a filler which gives the consistency of the product, liquid, powder, granules, mastic…

The phyto product can be synthetic chemical or "organic". An "organic" product is a natural product, accepted in organic farming . It has the same destinies as its chemical counterpart, with also advantages and disadvantages and it would be wrong to believe that it is harmless, otherwise what would be the use of it? We will come back to the differences later.

Phyto products are approved, they are intended for a parasite on a given crop, the two being inseparable . A rose aphid repellent may not be suitable for lettuce aphids. Doses, frequencies and times change also depending on the products and their use.

Can we do without pesticides in the garden? (1)

Phyto products that can be used by an amateur gardener must bear the EAJ mention :Authorized use in gardens. The other products are intended for professionals. EAJ products have proven effectiveness, packaging more suitable for the treatment of small surfaces , and are often less dangerous for the user.

In summary, a plant protection product is:

  • synthetic or natural (organic) chemical
  • a set of active substance(s) and formulants
  • effective against one (or more) pest(s) on a given plant
  • used at determined doses, frequencies, times.
  • usable by the amateur when it bears the mention EAJ
  • prohibited for non-professionals if the mention EAJ is not specified on the packaging!

To be continued…