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Tiger mosquito, it roars in the south

Well here is the new tourist who has taken up residence in the south:the tiger mosquito! It is important enough for the Free lunch make 6 articles in one month. The latest by clicking on the link below.

We do not laugh with this intruder carrying the famous virus (?) of chikungunya . The name of this disease may make you smile, but affected patients are not at the wedding.

The first precaution to take is to empty the water in the saucers under the flower pots. By the way, get rid of these saucers, which aren't actually of much use! A plant waters from above when it needs it and the water that stagnates at the bottom of the pot prevents gas exchange and can cause rot.

So be careful. I invite you to read these articles online to understand what the tiger mosquito is and the disease it carries.,1006562.php

Tiger mosquito, it roars in the south Free Midi photo