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Setting up a composter

The leaves are falling. I collect them because:(Check the correct answer)

it's dirty

You can't see anything below

It rotted on the lawn

To make compost

Setting up a composter

If you have decided to set up a composting area , here are some tips to finalize your space and set up your composter to make the whole process go smoothly:

– Find a place in the shade

– Mow the grass at the location of the future composting area

– Spread shredded material over the entire surface previously covered with cardboard (to be dry and reduce future maintenance)

– Make a bin with recycling pallets placed on edge, and treated with a mixture of turpentine and linseed oil (50% of each) to prevent rot

– Stock up on brown materials (leaves, straw) with 4 stakes and fine mesh

In season, when you have green matter (lawn mowing, kitchen waste) you will mix it with the spare leaves in order to optimize composting.

If you are installing a closed composter (plastic or wooden), repeat the first two steps above, then:

– Install level on the ground, 9 flat slabs leaving some space between them

– Fix a fine mesh at the bottom outside of your composter to avoid rodents (if they bother you..)

– Setting up the composter

– You can start filling with 10 cm of coarse material (small branches) for better ventilation

Not wanting to remove the critters that are in the composter (they're the ones who work!). Insects, larvae, spiders, worms, woodlice, feed on waste and participate in its transformation.

And for more advice on composting, I strongly recommend the following reading

Setting up a composter