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Field mice in the composter, an affair of the heart

Question from a user:What to do to avoid field mice in the composter?

Common sense dictates that we learn to love them and give them the leisure to spend the winter in the warmth. But OK ! I know this politically correct answer will not satisfy you.

Although rodents do not harm the phenomenon of composting , and even I would say that they contribute to it by their nibbling and their excrement, it is not pleasant to have a critter slipping through our hands as soon as we lift the lid of the composter.

Rodents take up residence in the bottom composter, and that is often where they get in. If the composter doesn't have a bottom, make one out of sturdy wire mesh with small meshes by making it go up on the sides of the composter. This is easier with a square composter than a cylindrical or conical one. It's quite effective.

It is good to remember that it is better to avoid putting meat or fish in the composter. Do not tempt the greedy devil who sleeps in all rodents worthy of the name...

And there is always the cat solution…

Field mice in the composter, an affair of the heart
