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Home office:what do you pay attention to when setting up your home workplace?

Working from home is music to many people's ears. And if it suits your work and your lifestyle, then it is really recommended if you ask me. I once started behind a hidden desk, but my home office has grown a lot since then. Just like the company! In this blog I go into more detail about what you should and can pay attention to when designing your home workplace. Because a nice workplace also ensures that you can be productive and can concentrate optimally on your work. Anyone who works from home knows that this is very important, because there are just more distracting factors…

Table of contents

Home office; cooperation of the family requested

Do you work from home? Then make clear agreements with your family about your home office. Do you like the fact that the kids are playing in your office? Then there is no problem. Does it get in the way of your work? Then set boundaries and make it clear that this is not the new playroom.

Also, the fact that you are at home does not immediately mean that you have time to play with or bake a cake together. Although the temptation is great – and not just for the kids. Are you prone to distraction? Then you have to make clear agreements with yourself.

Workplace in or at home:the interpretation and design

Clear agreements with your family are not only important when you work from home. The design of your workplace is also something that you definitely want to think about. Take a look at the following points. Depending on what kind of business you have, some points will also be important to you.

1. A private entrance to your office

If you regularly receive customers or business relations in your home office, having your own entrance is nice. This way you can literally keep work and private life separate. Of course, there must be room for this and it is not possible in all cases. But do you have that option? Do it!

By the way, did you know that if you have your own entrance and sanitary facilities with your home office, you may qualify for deductibility of that part of your house? The regulations on this can be quite confusing, but it is clearly explained here.

2. Provide sufficient storage space at your home office

A home office often has a lot of stuff. A tidy workplace is a tidy mind; so make sure you have enough storage space. That can be a complete shed, but maybe a couple of large cupboards are enough. In any case, prevent your desk from serving as storage space. Because a tidy desk ensures a tidy mind, and that is worth a lot.

3. Own sanitary facilities or a kitchenette

Very nice if you are a coffee addict yourself, but also if you regularly receive people in your home office:your own sanitary facilities or a kitchenette. Here too, of course, you must have the space for it, but then it is definitely recommended. For example, I didn't have a separate toilet in our previous house. We do have that in our new house, and that is just a bit more pleasant when you visit.

4. Securing your home office

Make sure your office is secured. Fortunately, it is not that bad as a blogger, but if you run a webshop from home, for example, you often have a lot of valuables in your office. For example, go for a doorbell with a camera that monitors the entrance…

5. Lots of greenery in your office

Last but not least :It has been proven long and broad:plants in the office increase productivity. They purify the air quality, and of course also enhance the atmosphere. Of course you don't have to turn your home office into a jungle, but putting down some extra plants is definitely recommended!

What do you think is important when furnishing your home office?