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Painting work, how to do it

Painting work is important in the finishing work of a home, so it is necessary to do it well to obtain a quality result, leaving no traces of paint.

Prepare for painting

The painting of a house requires a lot of preparation work, that is to say that the major part of the finished result will go through the preparation of the surfaces and the delimitation of the areas to be painted. That is to say, we will start by making space in the rooms to be painted, moving the furniture, dismantling the light fixtures and removing the decorative elements.

Having a clean and unobstructed workspace allows you to better paint, to be able to work in good conditions. It is then necessary to protect the surfaces, this involves the application of a plastic film on the soles, taking care to clearly delimit between the wall and the floor with adhesive tape so as not to let any paint splashes through. Electrical outlets, switches and joinery (windows, doors, bay windows) must also be protected.

Prepare the surfaces to be painted

The surfaces to be painted must be prepared, that is to say, care must be taken to have walls and ceilings in very good condition, without roughness or visible defects. It is therefore necessary to closely analyze the surfaces and if necessary touch up the coating at the level of the holes in the placo, at the level of the deformed surfaces to obtain an irreproachable result, that is to say very smooth and without defect. Note that it is this step that can have an influence on the price of a painter and in particular on the painting estimate, the longer the preparation work will be, the higher the cost will be.

The plaster touch-ups must then be sanded with sandpaper, a job that generates dust and residue. It is advisable to use masks and protective goggles to avoid the inconvenience caused by plaster dust. If necessary, it is possible to pass a damp cloth after sanding to remove residues and dust that may have remained stuck to the wall and ceilings, this avoids ending up with impurities when applying the paint.

Apply paint to walls and ceilings

The application of paints is important, it is above all necessary to have quality and adapted tools. For painting on placo, the polyester roller is much more suitable than the fiber roller. An undercoat will make it possible to standardize and ensure a better homogeneity of the final paints, it also makes it possible to test the application of a paint with a roller and to avoid reproducing errors made during the application of the undercoat. .

The choice of paints is important, low-end paints are generally composed with a lower paint rate, so they have a reduced covering power. It is the composition that determines the quality of a painting. Finally, the application must always be done in the same direction, for the ceilings we always paint in the direction of the light to avoid highlighting the defects.