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The seedling that does not germinate.

Question from a user:What are the causes of a seedling that does not germinate ?

Yes, it can happen to the most experienced among us.

The first cause of non-emergence is the quality from the seed. If it is too old, the germination power is nil. Some seeds only keep the possibility of germinating for a few months for the most capricious, to several decades for rare exceptions. As a general rule, a seed that is more than two – three years old is likely to waste your time. Check the expiry date on the seed packet.

The seed may be "recent" but without germination power (malformation) or worse, germination is not inscribed in its genetic code (case of certain PGMs - genetically modified plants -)

It is also possible that the seed germinates but that an external alteration destroys the seedling:climatic hazards (too much water, too dry, too cold, etc.), damping off caused by fungus, gastropod attack or other hungry animal!

The sowing ismonitored like milk on fire. This is why we sow a lot of seeds to be sure to have a certain number of plants. If the germination succeeds at more than 90%, we arrive in an overproduction that we will have to manage, but there is another problem...

The seedling that does not germinate.

sowing in terrine