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Sole of the Iron that Stains the Linen, All is not Lost.

Sole of the Iron that Stains the Linen, All is not Lost.

When laundry is stained by the soleplate of the iron, you spin at the dry cleaners or do you throw away? All is not lost, however, when you always have a small clay stone pot at home.

Since you haven't followed my pro advice, you haven't cleaned your iron soleplate in... ages! You have just stained the collar of Monsieur's shirt, just on the seams, where it is very thick.

Zero panic:I'm off to get my favorite weapons and I'll explain how to catch up.

Clay Stone and Toothbrush

1. I wet the toothbrush.

2. I rub it on the clay stone so that it soaks it up.

3. Then I brush the stain who will eventually give in, if so! I rewet and I put clay stone back if necessary.

4. I rewash the shirt in the washing machine, but at least it's saved. You just have to remove all the white stone residues that will not necessarily go away with a simple rinse under the tap.

This trick can work well on anything glued to fabric (except glue, don't push!).

But don't overdo it, the clay stone is a bit abrasive. It would wear out the fabric and fade the colors.

Tell us in the comments how many shirts you can save with this trick!