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How to create a truly design child's room?

You want to share your love of decoration and design with your children and for that, you decided to redo their room to breathe a modern and contemporary atmosphere. Through my post, discover the tips that will help you meet this challenge.

Choosing the right color for the walls

The first rule to consider when you want to decorate a room in the house is to choose the right colors. A designer bedroom should favor plain colors.

You have the choice between a wide range of colors, for example anthracite and mauve or white and black. Personally, I have a penchant for the sand and chocolate colors which infuse a relaxing and soft atmosphere and which makes it possible to hide any dirt that your children will have left. I strongly advise you to opt for the complementarity of colors.

However, if you want to bet on minimalism, the monochrome also offers a very nice effect. Be sure to choose lacquer paint for your work because it enhances the colors you have chosen while providing a particularly pleasant touch of light. For a quality finish, apply at least two coats.

Betting on minimalist and refined furniture

No need to remind it. The bed is the keystone of a designer bedroom. It will therefore be necessary to choose the right model. The ideal is to bet on beds that offer slender and sober lines. A round model is considered a rather designer crib. Its originality lies in its shape.

On the market, you will find round cocoon beds or even round armchair beds. A wide variety is offered by manufacturers. As for me, I set my sights on the four-poster bed.

Associated with royal bedrooms, this model is synonymous with magic and elegance. It is especially recommended for little girls' rooms. The colors and materials are endless. However, prefer dark wood which is design as desired.

A few extra touches of aluminum will provide a more modern vibe. Glass can also provide a stylish atmosphere, but I do not recommend it in children's rooms because this material can be a source of accidents. Regarding shelves and chests of drawers, treat yourself by playing on the staggered lines. Opt for games of materials and asymmetrical furniture.

Lighting fixtures and accessories to add

It is difficult to transform a bedroom into a design place without installing the appropriate lighting. The choice is quite tricky because poor lighting can harm your little loupiot. The ideal is to install lights that are compatible with your child's activities. The bedroom should be a cocoon of softness.

You should therefore avoid excessively dazzling or bright lights at all costs. A pendant light with a bulb will do. Do not neglect the lampshade because it is he who brings a subdued and cozy atmosphere. The preferred materials are fiberglass, steel, copper and aluminum. In terms of accessories, I recommend a thick rug and cushions with asymmetrical patterns reminiscent of the colors chosen for the wall.