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How to choose your grow room

How to choose your grow room

A grow room is a structure used to grow plants indoors, in climatic conditions similar to those outdoors. This is a particularly practical solution for those who live in apartments and wish to grow plants. Here are some tips for choosing the right grow room ?

The dimensions of the culture chamber

Buying a grow room is a good option for growing your plants in-house. For the choice of your culture room , it will be necessary to take into account a certain number of criteria including size. This depends on your needs and the dimensions of the space to be arranged. In general, it is recommended to opt for a height of 2m. This is the ideal height to ensure good growth.

When you opt for a low height, the plants will not be far enough from the lamps. When buying a cheap grow room, make sure the plants are not too close to the ceiling. A gap of at least 40 cm must separate them. The choice of size will therefore depend on the height of the plants. As far as width is concerned, you have the choice between equipment from 60 cm to 3 m wide. To find a structure adapted to your needs, it will be necessary to take into account the number of pots and their sizes.

The quality of the grow room

Another essential element for the durability of your grow room is its quality. When the structure is resistant and thick, it guarantees greater durability. Watertightness is also a quality criterion, necessary for the good development of plants. A sealing problem could affect their life cycle.

In addition, the choice of model will depend on the type of crop to be carried out. One-piece equipment, for example, is suitable for non-permanent cultivation. In the case of a permanent culture, you will have to orient yourself towards a culture room, equipped with several spaces.