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Finally a tip to keep your windshield clean longer.

Finally a tip to keep your windshield clean longer.

Car windshields get dirty the fastest .

As a result, you have to clean it very often to continue to see something in it.

Luckily, here's a trick to keep it cleaner longer.

The trick is to do a final rinse with bicarbonate water:

Finally a tip to keep your windshield clean longer.

How to

1. Wash the windshield with white vinegar and a sponge.

2. Rinse the sponge well and immerse it in bicarbonated water.

3. Now wipe the sponge over the windshield.

4. Wipe with a microfiber cloth.


There you go, your windshield will stay cleaner longer thanks to the bicarbonate water :-)

Simple, practical and effective!

No need to buy a special product to clean the windshield.

With white vinegar and baking soda, you have the most effective products for washing the windshield. It's as clean as if it were the work of a pro!

In addition, they are 100% natural and ecological and very economical.

Why it works

The final rinse with bicarbonate water has the effect of reducing the adhesion of insects that crash on the windshield.

The bicarbonate works as a protection on the glass of the windshield.

Result, fewer traces to clean!

The bicarbonate water also improves the glide of the windscreen wipers on the windshield, which improves their efficiency.

If you don't have baking soda, you can find some here.

Of course, it also works for mirrors and other car windows.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandma's trick for cleaning a windshield? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!