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26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

We all have old toothbrushes lying around in the back of a drawer...

But wait before you get rid of it!

Your used toothbrush could still be useful to you.

We have selected for you 26 new ways to recycle your old toothbrushes.

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

Wondering if it's clean to use your toothbrush for culinary or cosmetic purposes? Don't worry!

Just boil it in water for 3 to 4 minutes for it to be perfectly disinfected. You can also disinfect it with white vinegar.

Now discover the 26 incredible uses of an old toothbrush:

1. Clean tile joints

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

Use your old toothbrush with a homemade abrasive cleaner like this one to scrub around drains, faucets, to clean grates and vents, barbecue grate or grout between tiles. the bathroom.

2. Unclog the sink siphon

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

Do you know a better way to clean the drains and traps of sinks and sinks? Just make a paste with baking soda and water to clean them easily, even in inaccessible places.

3. Clean the faucets

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

A toothbrush is very practical for cleaning all the faucets:faucets, mixer taps... Especially at the level of the small spaces between the faucet and the tiles! You can soak your toothbrush in white vinegar before scrubbing for a perfect result!

4. Wash the shower heads

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

This is great for removing limescale that clogs shower head holes, especially if you're also using white vinegar. Here is another technique to remove limestone from your shower head if it is very dirty. For an impeccable result, you can finish cleaning with your toothbrush.

5. Clean the tiles

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

To make the tiles shine, including in hard-to-reach places, the toothbrush is super practical. Nothing escapes him!

6. Wash the ventilation grilles

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

Practical, the toothbrush slips between the slats of the ventilation grille for thorough cleaning.

7. Clean jewelry and silverware

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

Use your toothbrush to clean your jewelry and silverware. Find out how to do it here.

8. Clean a chainsaw

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

Your used toothbrush can be useful for thoroughly cleaning between the teeth of the chainsaw chain. Always use protective gloves for this cleaning. Your machine must of course be switched off.

9. Make a seal

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

With an old toothbrush, sealing hard-to-reach places is child's play! Put sealant on the toothbrush and spread it.

10. Clean corn on the cob

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

Grilled in the oven or boiled, an ear of corn is delicious. You still have to wash it well. With a toothbrush, it's easy. Simply brush the cob to remove any snagging threads. And to peel a corn cob easily, discover this trick.

11. Clean a fish

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

To clean your fish, scrub the scales with a toothbrush. They will come off much easier. Also use an old toothbrush to gut the fish. Convenient and fast!

12. Clean dirty shoes

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

The children's shoes are full of mud? Do not panic ! Let them dry. Then with a damaged toothbrush, rub the soles. All the mud and other dirt will come off easily. Check out the trick here.

13. Clean a bicycle chain

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

After a bike ride, take an old toothbrush to clean all the parts of your bike, especially the chain. You can use a homemade product with soda crystals, like this one, to clean the parts full of grease.

14. Clean computer keyboard

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

If crumbs have fallen on your computer keyboard, take your old toothbrush and brush your keyboard gently to remove the dirt.

15. Removing a stain from the carpet

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

A stain has become encrusted on the rug, carpet or upholstery? Scrub it with a toothbrush and homemade cleaning product. Find out how with this trick.

16. Spread glue

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

A toothbrush is the ideal tool for applying glue to grooves and joints.

17. Brush eyelashes and eyebrows

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

An old toothbrush will be very useful for your beauty care. It allows you to brush your eyelashes and eyebrows, make small curls in your hair and for men, to brush mustaches, sideburns and beards.

18. Eliminate your blackheads

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

The toothbrush is the ideal instrument to eliminate your blackheads. Find out here how to remove your blackheads with a toothbrush.

19. Clean the extractor hood

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

To clean a removable extractor grid, soak it in a mixture of water and alkaline and solvent cleaning product. You can also use one of these homemade natural products. Then scrub with a stiff-bristled toothbrush to thoroughly clean into the cracks.

You can also use this technique to soak them and then brush them with your toothbrush before drying them. If your grates are not removable, dip your toothbrush in a strong alkaline cleaner and scrub with it.

20. Clean gold jewelry

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

Fill a small container, such as a cup, with dishwashing liquid. Add 1 teaspoon of ammonia. Soak your jewelry in this powerful solution for 3 or 4 minutes. Then gently clean with a toothbrush. Rinse with clean water and dry thoroughly.

21. Clean the dryer filter

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

Scrub your clothes dryer filter with an old toothbrush to remove any residue from the clothes filter. Next, soak the filter in vinegar overnight. Then rinse with water.

It also works for the filter of your washing machine. Do you know that it is very important to clean the filter of your dryer regularly? Otherwise the residues may ignite. It is one of the main causes of house fires.

22. Clean your nails

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

Admit it! Removing the dirt that gets embedded under the nails can be difficult, even tedious. Use an old toothbrush to remove them in 2 seconds. Some people even carry one in their purse, in case they have to clean their nails during the day.

23. Cleaning an aquarium

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

This tip will be of interest to anyone who has fish. You can use an old toothbrush to clean your aquarium ornaments. Yes, even fish need a clean house!

24. Groom your pets

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

Do you have a pet? You will finally be able to take a breather while pampering your furry friends. An old toothbrush is the perfect tool for cleaning your pet's nails and paws.

25. Do an exfoliating treatment

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

Here's a well-known trick of coquettish girls:use a toothbrush to exfoliate her damaged lips. How someone came up with this idea is another question!

26. Clean a hairbrush

26 New Ways to Use Your Old Toothbrush.

Use an old toothbrush to clean the base of your hairbrush. Scrub your brush back and forth in all directions to thoroughly remove dust and dirt from the hairbrush.